Is it normal to have days where you feel exhausted for no reason, once in a while?

Like out of nowhere all my energy will leave and i’ll have kind of a anxious/week feeling inside.. And I feel all weird in different ways that I can’t really explain.. Is it normal for this to happen once in a while? People tell me it is normal to get things like this as a teenager

Answer #1

Yes it is

Answer #2

Yep sure is normal

Answer #3

It is definitely normal. Being a teenager gets very stressful at times. We always have those days where we’re just suddenly exhausted and tired. I always get that feeling. I get lazy and procrastinate too much too.

Answer #4

Thank you for your help everyone !! :)

Answer #5

Between change of seasons, doing life, and hormonal body changes everybody gets those days…it’s completely normal.

Answer #6

Thanks alot :)

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