What can you eat for protien if you dont eat meat?

So I heard you need to eat meat for a protein it has…is this true and if so can I just drink supplements or somthing?!?!

Answer #1

And this is why we have SMART people on this site! Im just saying. I want to be a vet not a culinary student or anything like that, Jeez. Ask me sumthing about why a wild tiger only travels alone but in captivity they live together in harmony and I can give a 100 percent true up to date answer. Otherwise…this is what you get!

Answer #2

uuuhm, I wouldnt eat ants, some are poiseness.

because seriously, who just decides “oh im gonna go eat some ants, that’ll work”

dont eat ants. other things give you protien like: nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat, lean stuff, suppliments. but dont go overboard on the protien, your body can only hold so much, and then all the protien will either: flush out of you or kill you.

Answer #3

Beans are probably the best source for a no meat diet.

Answer #4

yah it’s true. meat is protien. if you want protien you eat meat. simple.

and about the drink suppliment, yah. it’s called a PROTIEN SHAKE.

Answer #5

Bananas are a source of protein. And you can take a supplement for almost anything you’re not getting enough of.

Answer #6

Meat and eggs are the only complete proteins that I know of. No one plant has complete protein.

And I think that using real food in moderation is better for the body than supplements. It’s as psychological as it is physical.

Answer #7

well I’m a pesca-vegetarian(no meat with exception of fish) so we’re in the same boat :P what I do is I eat tuna fish but if you can’t I would suggest a simple protein shake, I think a lot of breakfast suppliments have them, but if you’re really active and ie run a lot try whey protein, it’s a shake and has almost 50 grams! however it taste horrible :P

good luck!

Answer #8

I don’t eat meat, or take supplements and I have above average iron and protein levels. I have been a Vegetarian for 4 years and have never taken one supplement. I eat eggs, beans and nuts, but because I enjoy them not because I need to load up on protein.

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