What is this news about a Russian Spy Ring IN THE US?

Source: http://funadvice.com/r/3k79ghqfg2

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Answer #1

from what i hear it was a member of a Russian spy ring who vanished after he was released on bail

Answer #2

Doesn’t really surprise me. Russia’s intelligence services are still the best in the world, thanks to generous funding from the regime of a former KGB Prime Minister. They’ve shown what they can do to destabilise governments in the former Soviet Union, in places like Georgia and Kyrgyzstan.

As for the spy ring in the US, it remains to be seen exactly who these people were and what they were trying to do. At the very least, they were building identities and providing information to the Russian government, as well as being involved in all kinds of crazy stuff. See the court documents here: http://funadvice.com/r/3k7fjcnja2

There are probably quite a few more people involved in this than what the FBI has arrested. The espionage business is all about elaborate circles of contacts that are often hard to determine. Still, stuff like this goes on all over the world, and the spy games of the Cold War are clearly far from over.

Answer #3

I heard this on the Russian News and the Russian Radio. It’s some serious stuff, but from what I heard, Russia isn’t really worried about it. I say it’s a bad idea to trade 10 Valuable spies with knowledge for 1 American scientist. The spies could just kidnap the scientist again, right?

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