Low self-esteem?

Well, I feel very ugly…for instance, when I look in the mirror I feel discouraged and in music videos there is always light skinned or hispanic females looking gorgeous in all of them..well some videos..but how can I stop this uglyness low self-esteem?? Are dark skinned girls that ugly?I’m dark skinned too.

Answer #1

A lot of people from my community have this complex too, I dont get it… Light skinned does not equate into more beautiful. It honestly makes no difference whatsoever! Ignore the tv… it also promotes skinny to the point of unhealthy… it isnt real life and it is not what people really like… (most people will agree curves are better than stick thin, but for some reason models are all still stick thin…)

Answer #2

Instead of sulking about it, be inspired by it! If you feel like you should lose weight, then go for it! Instead of going on the TV or computer, exercise in your house by doing “mountain climbers”, crunches, or “starbursts”. And substitute crapfood for healthier snacks that still taste good, so every once in a while you can eat some junkfood! It will make you feel better inside and out.

In school, get involved in school activities. Scared? Bring a friend along to help you branch out but still be grounded. Try a new sport and then practice at it instead of going on the computer.

As for looks, try something new out. Go get a haircut that complements your face, and treat yourself to a day at the spa if you want. But if your don’t want to and have face blemishes, purchase ProActiv; it works like a charm! Also, pick up a copy of Seventeen Magazine and read up on their tips on how to find good clothes that are cool and compliment your body.

If you work hard at it, and REALLY TRY, then I guarentee you’ll get your confidence back! =) Hope I helped

Answer #3

Understanding the pressures of a different cultures society is a hard concept for other cultures to grasp, while “white girls” are stereotyped as being more obsessive over weight and femininity, while “black girls” and “latina girls” are more stereotyped as being obsessive over hair and skin. In today’s society, we are so screwed up with this. A white girl will try to tan and spend endless hours getting that shade. Yet, a colored girl will try to lighten her skin to gain approval. I believe that none of this is necessary.

If you are intrigued, a good book for you to read is “Queen Bees & Wannabes,” by Rosalind Wiseman. It’s a parenting book, but it highly enlightened me about so much. There is a chapter in there dedicated to how different cultures and races are held to different standards. If your interested, I suggest renting it out at a public library…I own a copy at home ^_^ Also, I can’t find any information on it now, but about a year ago I read an article in Seventeen about a girl who woke up one day and saw all these scratches and craters on her nose, but nobody else could see them, which evolved into a full blown disorder where she saw everything wrong with herself, a distorted body image. It was rare and furthermore, not publicized as society is likely to dismiss it as ‘just being a teenager’. However, it is dangerous and can lead to things like anorexia and depression. If you find yourself feeling totally miserable about the way you look, try speaking to your parents about a therapist, because this is a real condition believe it or not. I wish I could show you the article. This girl drew a picture of how she thought she looked, what she actually saw in the mirror, it was so disproportionate, and scratches and huge nose, etc. Then it showed an actual Kodak photo of the girl, and she looked like she could’ve been a Dolce & Gabbana model. I’m not going to try to console you like ‘oh don’t worry your so pretty’ because although you are, I understand that I can’t make you believe that if you really do have a problem. I do hope this helps, and hope you build a higher self esteem. =)

Answer #4

why don’t you try getting a style you really like ? and if you think you’re fat go talk to your doctor and see if they think your weight is fine then it’s fine , and if you do decide to diet fun mail me I have a lot of tips

Answer #5

I am dark skinned cause my parents are from nigeria. but ways to feel like your not ugly is to do somethin about it. I am not talkin about surgery here but fix it. if you feel you need a little make up put on some. if you need to fix your hair fix it. if you need 2 lose weight lose it. I know it is not easy but you got a whole summer. I use to think I am way too big. but working out every chance I get I have already lost 30 pounds. I am even going to a free piyo class at my local rec center.

Answer #6

Stop watching those videos for one if they make you feel bad. Look int he mirror every day and tell yourself how gorgeous you are!!! Get dressed, put on some make-up and and have some self respect. MAKE yourself feel good. There really is no other way. If you feel ugly then thats what you will convince yourself of. If you feel pretty, you can make yourself feel like a movie star.

Answer #7

I found out what it’s called, Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

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