What kind of jobs can I get if I have a driver's licence?

Im talking about jobs when people need to know how to drive. Any idea tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

bus driver, limo driver, cab driver, ambulance driver, fire truck driver, dalivery truck driver,ect,ect

Answer #2

ask resturants if they need a delivery person

Answer #3

delivering pizza

Answer #4

Not only do you have to consider whether or not you need a license, but whether or not there are age restrictions also need to be considered. Miranda mentioned some great occupations, however, for example, a bus driver needs to be at least 21, firetruck driver has to be a fully trained and certified fireman first, and have firefighting experience and special certifications before becoming the firetruck driver. I would suggest the simplest jobs would be pizza/food delivery service, because restaurants are usually looking for anyone with a licence who they can pay very little to deliver stuff!

Answer #5

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