kick start my period a few days early

is there a way to kick start my period by a few days? I am getting ready to go on vacation and would like to get it over with.

Answer #1

One thing that can help don’t take any headache pills if you get a headache because it will thin your blood out and make you be on it longer.

Answer #2

well you can go to the gyno and they can prescribe pills to trick your body, such as the morning after pill does. Birth control works wonders, but I’ve found if you havent taken the birth control already, your body generally menstrates anyway. The best thing you can do is get cups which hold your menstral blood, and have lesser risk of Toxic shock syndrome than tampons

Answer #3

I’m an RN. Sorry there really isn’t any easy way to start your period early, you would have to take hormones to fool your body into thinking it was the right time. The more plausible solution is to take birth control pills until you get back from vacation, which fool your body into thinking it is pregnant. Be sure to take the ones that are of the set of 23 not the 5 which allow your period to start.

Answer #4

once I took advile (spell error) and my period came early I don’t know 4 you tho

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