Jobs for convicted felons

Where is there a school that will train convicted felons in georgia or any location across the united’s against the law to discriminate against convicted felons so why is there not one school that would accept us

Answer #1

if we don’t step up and get something done no one else will. we got to help ourselves. we really got to get something going. quit talking and lets do it. anyone or group out there that are tring to get something going. e-mail me here. I’m ready for what we must do.

Answer #2

Hello, This is a very touchy subject for me. I was convicted of possession of cocaine in 1996 in VA. That was over 12years ago. I initially started selling drugs because I was tired of seeing my mother struggling. The lights always getting cut off, no food in the house. She did all she could to raise us right and I’d do it again to put food on the table and keep the lights cut on in our house. I was an honor roll student who always tried to help the elderly in my community. All I wanted to do was try to help make ends meet. For the last decade of my life I have struggle vigorously to find gainful employment. I haven’t went back to jail for any drugs and no new felonies. Yet when I’m out trying to get a job to support my family I get denied. Not because I’m not qualified, or because I am still getting into trouble, or because I don’t have the education, but only because 12years later a felony shows up on my record. Now a lot of people will say that I put myself in this position. However, I’d like to ask those people…”Didn’t I pay my debt to society when I was locked up behind bars, and then had to do six more years on probation, and had to pay a $900 fine, and while on probation got myself into a four year college”? Why should America stop an ex-drug dealer from putting the drugs down and earning his living? Why should my son have to suffer? What man is blameless and has not sinned? We have all committed a crime that we have not been caught doing!!! How many Rodney King’s have been beaten and no one caught it on tape? How many children have been raped and it never got reported because the kid is too afraid? How many crooked cops sell drugs or harass and target young blacks everyday and plant drugs in their cars? Martin Luther King was arrested over 30 times and a bomb was placed on his porch twice before he was finally assassinated. Did he put himself in that position or is it that some people in this great country still try to do all they can to keep someone who is different from SUCCEEDING. There is no doubt in anyones mind that it is a big reason why most of the jails and prisons are filled with blacks. And we know that it isn’t because blacks are the only ones committing the crimes. There is still a lot of injustice going on in AMERICA. I have been to college after getting a felony on my record. I stopped selling drugs. I have not only gave my life over to Christ I take out the time to study the BIBLE and strive to live out the principles each day. I’m still not perfect. However, I proved that a persons past doesn’t have to be there future. So, why should my future with a potential company be based on the fact that when they do a background check they will see a felony on my record. I’m not a habitual offender. I learned my lesson. So, why should I be judge not on the content of my character, but on who I use to be. People really do change and grow up. It’s sad that White AMERICA can just buy their way out of getting a record because most of them have inherited money that was pasted down through slavery and segregation and the establishment of businesses all over America that was due to the profit of slavery. They have had houses and all kinds of assets passed down. The whites of today as a whole do have better representation in a court of law partially because of these things. Justice doesn’t always get served. So, how can a persons background be used as a true barometer for offering or denying a man or woman the opportunity to support his or her family. Blacks may have a lot more opportunity today, but we still deal with the odds stacked very high against us. I ain’t playing a race card …RACISM DOES STILL EXIST. Most of the laws are being made by white men. Laws that are standing in the way of a person going out to work. What does a person suppose to do if he can’t work…COMMIT MORE CRIME…so he can be locked up and the vicious cycle contines!

Answer #3

I have 3 felony convictions. dating from 1983 to 1991. I have tried to be honest on job applications and I have lied on job applications. In my experience, you will not get anywhere being truthful. At least if you are trying to get a really good job. I have an associate degree and I am now getting my BBA in Accounting. If you are getting a job in a fast food establishment, get the job first. My experience is that once you are working in the lower paying jobs, if your felony comes out it may not be that big of a deal. If you are trying to get a white collar position, LIE. or better yet, hope that a family member who works at thge company can vouch for you. Then you won’t have to bring up the felony. I’ve gotten some very good jobs through family members. Just remember, you have a criminal record, so don’t do anythin to mess up a good situation. If you happen to get a job with a title, keep your nose clean and CYA . Also, you can open your own business, Pick a industry that doesn’t require much licensing and be smart with the money. Don’t blow it. Invest in some real estate if possible. It takes years to do but when you look back, you will be in a better place. In the meantime, utilize everything that is legally available to you. Get on welfare, take the food stamps. If you weren’t eligible, they wouldn’t give them to you. Learn how to play the system on their terms. Since 1995, I have worked as a Bookkeeper, Own a video store, a hot dog wagon, sold food a county fairs, picked up scrap metal, and bought a 26 foot truck.

Answer #4

I realy think that We(Felon’s) should stick together, I myself is in the same job spot as everone else with the big X in front of there name.But I believe that we can overcome all of this and take our ways back into the job market. Felon’s are realy creative minded people,We think of ways to beat the system,We find ways to make money even if sometime it may seem a little shaddy.What I talking about is,when we go to prison we find ways to better ourselfs either with school or trade. So ask yourself? how many of us know how to lay a brick,wire an house,build a garage.Or just think of all the experience that we have gained by taking on allthe odd job’s that no one wanted. But to cut this mesage short. All we have to do is ban together. We can’t ask the goverment for money for each fellon.But if us felon’s banded toghter and formed an non-profit organitation then we can get money from the goverment to re-train re-employ.I would be glad to share more with someone,Let me know. P.S spelling an grammer not a strong point.

Answer #5

Its a very bad testimony if citizens can’t forgive a person for a mistake made and paid for. If someone does their time…serves probation…that should be the end of it. I all for letting non-violent offenders back into society. It should be forgotten about after a certain time period. If not…then sentence them to more time in jail…its the only humane thing to do.

Now, if they have paid their debt to society…why do we continue to punish them? Why do we denie opportunity to people who have rehabilitated themselves?

The prison system has become a revolving door…and this is the reason why. Its vbecome a business that lives and feeds…off the misery of others. Why should someone clean up their act and try to do the right thing…when they are tattooed with the label of Felon.

Its not right…and its against human rights, justice and fairness. If you are honest with yourselves…you will realize that each of us…has committed a crime in our past…some of us even got caught.

Something has to be done about this. The prison system has become a BIG BUSINESS…to the point where Real Estate Syndications are formed that build prisons and people…buy their stock!!!

The paradox is…by branding people and denieing them opportunities…we feed the criminal justice system…and eventually, we become victims ourselves. People have to eat…and if they can’t find gainful employment…they will commit crime to put food on the table…and a roof over their heads. Its just plain math.

I am not a felon…but I can tell you this. Our crime problem is not going away soon…unless we have some reform and hope. Branding someone a felon forever…take away hope and only adds fuel to the fire of a blazing problem in America.

Answer #6

Dave my name on Fun Advice is Gary Smith and I commented on what you wrote on that site. I agree with what you said. Their is resources out their for convicted felonies funded by the Government but very limited. A web site would be a great thing if we can get all felons to one place and register by state. The numbers would help us help all felons. I will help anyway I can. Keep in mind it is proven most felons have a substance abuse, a mental illness or a learning disability of some degree that caused them to get into trouble. What I am saying felons are not bad people they have an illness that contributed to the charge. I am also not saying that having a illness and committing a crime is ok. If you paid your debt, it should be over but it is not. as well as if you owe a bill and you pay it late the bill still goes on the credit report. We need to try to change the law and to do this we need all Felons to register on a web site in one place by state and also information if the felon has had his right to vote restored and then we can change the law. Several organization have been working hard to get felons their voting rights back NAACP AND ACLU to name a few. Write me soon for more information. Thanks Gary Smith

Answer #7

Perhaps the reason so many of you are so quick to pass judgement on felons is because you have no idea what its like to spend the rest of your life being punished for smoking pot when you were 18. However i’m willing to bet that a lot of you did smoke pot. Ever opened a piece of mail that didn’t belong to you? Poof you should be a felon too. I hope that you feel very proud that you support thoughts that this government should give my innocent children a lesser chance in life because mom smoked pot when she was a kid like so many other people including our beloved police officers, lawyers,judges, prosecuters and naysayers.Open your eyes. our society has condemned so many bright young men and women to a lifetime of punishment after public humiliation,prison time and loss of wages. I’m not sure if the 8 hour long class for alcohol abuse does anything for pot smokers. What about having to sit and explain your child hood that was fine to some nosy counselor who insist that there has to be a reason you did it. it cant just be that you wanted to try some pot and kinda liked it. Seems a little absurd. maybe you should consider how you’d feel if your child/sibling got into a little trouble when they were young.Would you feel that it would be fair if they couldn’t find a job and were refused almost every housing opportunity they could find because they made a human mistake once. If you do think its fine and you would turn your back then your probably going straight to the pits of…….! -Summer

Answer #8

I too am an ex-offender,(Federal) five years in. I have just graduated with honors from LLC in illinois. Im also going to EIU. I’ve made (A)s and (B)s throughout college, and am still finding that my conviction is a life sentence. Finding a job is no problem until they do a back ground search. I was recruted by the C.E.F.S. Economic Opportunity Corporation to submit an application for employment within their corp. I hade three interviews and a drug screen, passed them all with flying colors. this company put me through school in the dislocated workers program. It is Fed. funded. They also nominated me for a state award for personal achivemnet. However when it was time to hire me they declined because im a felon. They knew this when they sent me to school and paid for it, useing tax dollors to foot the bill. im sad about this but I have to keep moving forward until I find the right people with an open mind, and heart to give me a chance to work. My troubles from my past were self inflicted, and I take full ownership for my actions. I agree that we all have a tough road to follow trying to progress and overcome our past mistakes. Please try and hold your head up as we all are in the same boat. Some day things will change so we can move past the judging minds of the general public, and our elected officals who seem to feel our pain, suffering,and dispare but do little to give us help. I have a ton of info that may help if anyone is interested, Im at feel free to ask questions im more than happy to try and help. I am a human service major and hope to oneday be in a job that will let me help people just like us.

Answer #9

I agree.. A felon no longer allowed to be a productive member of.. anything.. I failed to report some kids, who robbed some other kids with b.b. guns.. kids, yea. 16 and 17 year olds. Does the state keep things in prospective? of coarse not. They go after them. They want life sentences for all involved. So imagine my surprise when I get arrested for armed robbery, assult and kidnapping! Oh, did I forget to mention it’s against the law to not report crimes? Then I’d also better mention it’s supporting law to. If you fail to report a capital felony you also get charge with all the charges listed! The way the law is wrighten there is no way around it either. They had me. So, the state says “plea to armed robery and we’ll drop the other charges. and tri the case based on culpibility not injoinder.” what choice did I have? I plead guilt to a crime I didn’t even see happen! Is that justice?! just cause the law says they can. they do. a lot. It’s florida’s cash machine! compare the number of prisons in florida to any other state…

Answer #10

An organization for creating better jobs for felons probably won’t work

First, businesses don’t want to hire felons. Its that simple. Once you have a felony, people do not trust you anymore, no matter what the circumstances behind the conviction.

Second, politicians do not want to seem soft on crime by voting to make life easier for felons. This issue is exactly the type of thing that can lose someone an election. And because felons can’t vote in the first place, politicians are even less likely to support their issues.

You can argue that being a felon makes life on the outside so impossible that felons have no choice but to return to crime. Others would argue that the harsh life long consequences of a federal conviction act as a deterrent against committing the crime in the first place.

Answer #11

I have read all of the above posts. My feelings regarding this matter are as such: As a prior convicted felon you need to come back into society with a positive attitude. Hopefully, after serving time your relationship with God has become closer and stronger. Or has it? It seems that all of the posts are about “you” and what people won’t do for you. The first thing you all must do is take responsibility for what you have done wrong. Confess to Jesus Christ and then ask forgiveness for what you have done wrong. God will then give you anything else you are lacking. For those of you that feel that you were wrongfully convicted, I still say look at the choices and decisions that you’ve been making in your life prior to this conviction. Past behaviors and actions have a way of rearing their ugly faces later on in life. Seek God and his kingdom first. But as humans we always want to do what we want and not what HE wants and then expect a break. Live your life for God instead of for yourself and watch how God will bless you..finding a job will then be the least of your worries. Stop blaming others and feeling like they are judging you.. You need to examine yourself and judge yourself so others won’t have to.Everything is supposed to be okay when you do it. But if it’s somebody else you wouldn’t like it either. Always put yourself in the other persons shoes. For example, if you were convicted of grand larceny and you had a choice to hire a person to come work for you in your home. Would you hire the person who committed grand larceny or a person who has no record?

                                                     (carrying a concealed weapon)

If you found it hard to obey the law and was convicted then you must pay for it, in an earthly sense. Because you knew right from wrong. So do I feel that it would be fair for you to come out and stand beside workers who have obeyed the laws enough to stay out of jail and make the same money as they do. No I don’t. You say you’ve served your time. Yes you did, but what are you looking for a reward for punishment?? You served your time because you had to not because you chose to. I don’t think it would be too many of us running to serve time for someone else if given the opportunity. Does serving time mean you won’t commit a crime ever again? The person who wrote about starting a petition. That letters requirements are so biased in your favor it’s unreal. It’s all about you. you’re not trying to help others. You’re just trying to acquit yourself. You’re actually trying to get others to sign in order to help you get off. We as a people are wicked deceitful and undeserving of any blessings from God. But thank God He is loving and merciful and has grace on our souls. Just think and look at who you really are. If you are for God you won’t have any worries.. But everybody else…watch out.

Answer #12

I truely struggle for existance in a society which has turned its back on me. Very true that I originally caused my initial problem, but let talk of a judicial system which makes susequent convictions of once convicted felons so much easier, for win hungry prosecuters and DA’s. I am a four time looser and I speak on authority from an inside out view. The prison systems have become big business for most states (at the tax-payers expence) and numbers become the pre-requiset to rehabilitation. I have watched as the fiscal budget yr approaches its end how the prison populations increase and there are far less paroles granted. Then as soon as the monies are allocated (based on head counts) the populations go down drastically. This trend should be an alert to concerned tax-payers, but of course these statistics are buried from public disclosure. Rehabilitation is discouraged as this would more than likely cause a significant drop in recidivism and the needed head count to support and justify continued raises in funding. Once on this perpetual merry-go-round it becomes virtually impossible to grab the brass ring. Our prisons are overcrowded, to the bursting, with the very young (gang members) and the very old (ill-of-health, crippled, and feeble). The crime rate continues to rise. I see no correlation between incarceration and harsher sentencing laws and any type of deterent to crime. Incarceration has historically proven that it is not a deterent, on the other hand, during the 60’s, rehabilitation was still practiced and was producing positive results. Why was this abandoned? Why have programs associated with assisting the convicted felon been terminated ?

Today I work when and where I can, but of course I am limited to the menial, peon type professions, which I accept as my lot in life and of my own doing. But I do not accept what the public in general is allowing our government to perpitrate and the persicution of those who could otherwise be contributing, god fearing, law abidding citizens. Who really is the ultimate looser here ?                                           Sincerely,
                                                                                                     Robert L.
Answer #13

My situation is I was convicted of a felony for doing something stupid, :( I got drunk got arrested for disorderly conduct,then as im in the police station with just myself and 1 officer I ask him what I was charged with. he never replyed so I asked again. He got pissed off and came around the counter and punched me in the back of my head! wow I was stund and dazed. I was then surrounded by atleast 4 other officers. I was brutally tacken down stairs to the cop car. As I got into the police unit I looked over to the cop who hit me, I then seen him with 2 other officers looking at me and smiling. I then asked the officer who was driving, where are we going and he told me JAIL!! I was like what the f*ck did I do so wrong besides sit on a bench in town being drunk?? He said that I broke the cops hand!!! Well that was it I went off on this cop by yelling HE hit me when I tried asking him what I was being charged with. Well after finding out everything in the mourning (in jail) I found out that I was being charged with a second degree aggrevated assault on an officer. carries 5 years min first time offense. I couldnt afford and attourneys so I was stuck with a PD (public defender). Well I served 9 months before I was able to do anything. So when I was released and sentenced to 2 years probation, 2500.00 in fines, 2 years AA meetings two times a week. I havent ben able to find any good jobs that will pay my bills rent ect. but this all happened 10 years ago. and still I cant find any good jobs to stay with. I have tried the state unemployment services and BAHAHAHA what a crock of crap they are. they dont want to help anyone let alone a felone. All I got from there was headaches and excuses. I know im not the smartest guy in the world but I do like to earn money. If given the chance I want to start my own business, but in what field? I graduated in 1991 with no degree in crap. I was a mechanic befor all of this and still all these years later I am a loser in this new world. I have seen many inocent people goto jail such as myself and have there lives ripped away to benifit the government and ripp off the tax payer. I was told they get $20.00 a-day per head just to be in a county jail. Id hate to see the figures for state pen. If anyone else has an honest head and could provide any legit info on how to find good jobs or start an organization to help others like ourselves just contact me thru here.

Answer #14

Does anyone know if there is a good site that has resources to help felons with employment, housing, voting, etc…? If not, I am thinking about building one. I guess I am a success story: convicted of 3 felonies and several misdemeanors in 1994 - today I have a good position with a Fortune 50 company. I wish that I could say that the road was easy, but it wasn’t; nor did my ‘recovery’ happen quickly. But felons should not lose hope - contrary to popular belief, there are very good companies, Fortune 500, who will hire convicted felons. I still have the stigma of ‘convicted felon’ and in Texas I always will, but frankly, I don’t give a damn!

Keys that helped me:

  1. I accepted that I screwed up, took responsibility and stopped blaming the system. Two years after my conviction, I was still bitter over getting “screwed” by the system. Not coincidentally, my life was still no better than it was before I got convicted. I didn’t turn my life around until I let go of the bitterness and decided to FOCUS on improving my situation.
  2. Work hard. I got a temp job at a dirty, blue collar job, worked hard and finally got hired full time. I got hired because I was a great employee; I was always on time, I was a hard worker, and I was respectful of the other employees. The company I worked for did NOT hire felons, but they hired me anyway knowing full well of my past. “We don’t hire felons” is not always the final answer.
  3. I finally went back to school and got my degree. OK, so college is not for everyone; but if possible, earn certifications in your chosen field. Make yourself so valuable that your employer will have to weigh your criminal past (that gets older and less relevant every day) against the SKILLS that you bring to the company - a smart business person will make the right decision.

I hope this helps – don’t give up – you are a citizen of the USA. You have every right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as anyone – but you might have to work a little harder at it.

Answer #15

Job site to help us felons find employment:

Answer #16

Hello. First off I was convicted of both state and federal counterfeit and fraud charges at the age of 19. I served two years in federal camp and at this time am almost complete with my supervised release. I figured when I was done with prison that I could re-enter society and start fresh. Unfortunatley approaching potential employers with the thought that my honesty would pay off turned out to be horrible. When telling the truth didn’t work and having a minimum wage job wasn’t going to cut it…I tried it. That’s right I lied on my applications and just put school/personal time on the two year gap in my job resume. I didn’t want to do this because I really did want to do things correctly; however, I chose what was best for my situation. From my experience, this is how it works. When I said I had never been convicted of a felony…it worked. Once, twice, and three times without fail. Here’s why. First of all some employers state that they will run a background check on you and they may only use the credit reporting agencies which are able to provide some type of shallow report. Hence NEVER report your felony to your employer if you don’t plan on claiming it for the rest of your life. Secondly, since I have federal and state records I’ve noticed something. IF your employer does run a background check they’re only running THAT STATE background check. I was convicted in SC and GA but have passed state background checks in TX and LA (military spouse). I don’t think my federal record has ever come up. Also, my probation officer here has mentioned another female who abused this fact: that is if you’re married after your offense, the name will through off the background checks even w/ ssn. Unless you’re applying for a federal agency job or a high tech contractor, they are not going to pay the amount of money needed to run EXTENSIVE background checks. If you move out of your conviction state you should be in the clear according to my experiences. (This is true in my case even using my maiden name). Even my federal probation officer couldn’t understand how I obtained a management job at a retail store. I put no convictions and was hired. After being hired I was in CHARGE of recruiting and the computer stated for each applicant their results for background. I checked mine and it said NEG THEFT INQUIRY/NO CRIMINAL HISTORY.
Bottom line…you HAVE to have a job when you get out of jail…you should get a job..if you don’t you could go BACK. What do you do? Some of us (felons) want to change and some don’t..but if you do…you aren’t left with many options. I took matters into my own hands which provided me with a job and excellent income. I felt a little guilty for telling a fib…but I think I would have felt far worse going BACK to federal prison. Life isn’t over… Ready to get involved? Rep. Danny Davis (D) Illinois is currently trying to introduce the 2007 Second Chance Act (or something like that) and I think it has passed the first state by the senate and now I THINK the president must approve it. (Really sketchy on the details) Research it and email him your thoughts of support.
Being someone who messed up I think it’s important to convey to the general public that everyone makes mistakes…some a lot bigger than others. Some learn-some do not. But the bottom line is that the entire purpose of the penal system is to rehabilitate convicts (most institutions) for making the wrong choices, right? So we send them off to prison and let them know when they are ready to re-enter society that since they made the wrong choices…we are no longer going to allow you to make good choices I:e: work, school and housing in some states (TX APT ASSCN will not rent to convicted felons…I lived there though.) Well..we will tell you you have to do the right thing but when you try we’re going to tell you no because you’ve made bad choices in the past. Society cann’t expect people to become productive tax paying citizens after prison if they shut down all avenues to legitimacy. Then what are we felons left with? People have to eat. “You should have never done it in the first place then”…my father’s voice will forever echo in my mind. God I hate that. (Love you Daddy ;) )

Answer #17

I believe there are 7 million convicted felons in this nation. That is 2% of the population. That is one of the largest minorities in existence.

As for you Afro-Americans 1 out of 2 have spent time in jail. So the message to you is pay attention to this and get off your rear-ends since you are the group mostly affected by this crap that is going on.

To all the people in this nation who advocate discrimination against felons and preach eternal punishment for people who have had either an illegal substance on them (because the government all mighty said it is illegal), or have been victimized by a police officer and had the guts to fiught back, or committed another victimless crime of sorts - go screw yourselves. The plain fact is that most of you have all done things wrong; you just haven’t been caught!

Please…there are more crooked people working for this government and our police departments than there are good ones. The public has no idea. I have seem cops lie through their teeth on the stand and whole court knows it, but the judge still takes their word as gospel because he or she doesn’t have the guts to challenge them on record.

Felons need to stick together. Don’t you think it is ironic that one of the conditions of probation is that you can’t associate with felons? Talk about control! The reason why the government doesn’t want felons around (except the elite ones in Mr. Bush’s clan) is because they have seen the laws and know all the bullshit. They have seen the truth and the true evil that lies in the system.

So what do you felons do about it? Absolutely nothing. Instead you make it easier on them by recommitting crimes and going to jail again. Or you sit around and beg for compensation or disability. All you do is cry cry cry! Get off your butts and do something about it! Stick together. Many felons have a lot of money - a lot of money! Wether it was from all the fraud they did or the drugs they sold before they were caught - many have a lot of money. So start up a bunch of businesses that say on the application felons only need apply. Start a union called the brotherhood of felons. Start a bunch of great businesses with tons of integrity and tell the public about them. Conduct a bunch of legitimate drug studies on various illegal drugs to show that these drugs are not dangerous and that the government has been lying to us all along to fund their prison/industrial complex. I am speaking of drugs such as marijuana, steroids, etc. The whole thing is a lie! Start a university that only accepts felons for heaven’s sake! I would bet my bottom dollar that felons, especially federal, have a higher IQ and are more creative than the rest of society. The difference is that many of them haven’t been given a fair chance due to outside factors, or for the most part have personality types that prevent them from being happy with the “sheep or cattle heard” mentality that this society is so infected with today. Exactly what the government hates.

So reply to this and start a good centralized website and a non-profit group to service our needs. There are a lot of lawyers who would be willing to work with this group. Trust me…I for one would love to. I am disgusted with what I see going on in this nations justice system. It is the biggest waste of money.

Answer #18

If I was charged with a felony does that me I have been convicted?

Answer #19

congress just passed a bill to help felons called Second Chance Act check it out. We are moving in the right direction, but we need to do more. All felons please call your state general assembly members and congress to limit how long felonies stays on your record.

Answer #20

What? I have a master’s degree in human resources and employment law, and this is a first. What makes you believe that it is illegal to discriminate against someone with a felony conviction? You must have had a drug-related crime, because this is the most ludicrous thing I’ve ever heard!

Answer #21

I just recently was turned down for two lousy gas station jobs Sheetz and Holiday for being a felon…Once you are a felon your doing life!! We need to take a stand and start striking establishments that won’t hire felons. If were not good enough to hire then they are certainly not good enough to take our money which they most certainly do not provide! God I’m so fu$%^^& angry.

Answer #22

This is a travesty of justice. People who have done their time…should be given another chance. If not…then the humane thing to do is sentence them to more time in jail. Otherwise, you create a revolving door system that only enriches those who make TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS every year from the criminal justice system.

Answer #23

the system is bs they put you on probation an tell you one of your requirements is to find a job how when no one will give you a job thats bs

Answer #24

dave66 I think a web site would be a great thing and I would be willing to help. If we can get enough felons together we can make a change. there are several organization that are helping felons regain their voting rights back after a conviction and if we get the numbers up we can get the states and federal governments to change their policies. We also can use it as a tool to network resourses to help felons. How would we fund the site? We would also probable need to have people register by state to keep tract of the numbers by state. what do you think? Please keep in mind that research shows that many people with mental illness is more likely because of their illness ending up getting involved with drugs that resulted in a conviction. I put this out there only to show that the government is again discrimination against people with a disability and this might also be an oppstical on them getting a job. There is a lot of very smart people concerned about a felony conviction on this web site we all need to work together and get this done. In closing sorry if there is any typing errors.

Answer #25

There were several good suggestions and rebuttals in disagreement. I am a female and was working in a convienence store trying to make ends meet. It was winter and my next door neighbor came in and told me she had found a credit card on the floor of a retail store. Neither of us had any money, so she asked me if she could use it tomorrow to buy some gas. I hesitantly said yes, well she came back with her car, her husbands, and so by the time I got off work, I ended up agreeing to go somewhere else and buy some gas for my car. The next thing you know we went grocery shopping with the card. The total was around $700 (including all the gas & food). You would think I bought jewelry or cashed it out for drugs or something, but NO I DID NOT. I know I fell for the temptation of a little extra cash for food…it was wrong. Well, my lovely neighbor turned states evidence on me and next thing you know I was arrested. NO JAIL TIME. I was very blessed to have a dad that helped me. The lawyer charged us $5K and we went into the judges chambers and I paid ALL the Restituion (UP FRONT!) for her and me (nice of me, huh). The judge said no jail, but no probation, just stay out of trouble for 1 year or I’ll revoke and put you away for a year & one day. Great! I used this experience to turn my life around. Changed friends, moved and found a good church…seriously changed. That was in 1990, the state I live in considers me a convicted felon and does not allow expungement! I have never voted since, been allowed to work in a hospital or a bank or big companies that have great benefits and etc. But, the ideas about legislation to help felons and expungements should be persued. This should be a federal effort, not left up to the individual states. I never served time, but someone I know went to prison in another state, with over 50 drug charges and is making application for pardon & may get it!! Great for him, but what is wrong is that we are always looked at like what we may have been on the date of conviction. They don’t even know I never had to go to prison. I have no college degree, but I could not get one to be a teacher, or work in many other professions because of the law in the state that does not forgive. If I had killed someone, or held a gun to someones head, I understand. But I am a real Christian, like many of you who are changed people. I wouldn’t dream of taking something that was not mine (I answer to God for everything) and like having our relationship. So, until legislation is passed for people like us, all I can tell you is every single job I’ve gotten since then has been because of prayer and Jesus Christ! I promise you. I lived in a resort area for a long time and a lot of it is seasonal, so job hunting was regular. But He led me to jobs where the people that owned the business had had trouble in the past, to people who asked me every detail of every part of my embarrasing old life at the interview & still hired me, to people who liked me and gave me favor and never asked about a criminal record (& I handled ALL the money for a sole propritor business and was even on his checking accoung!!), & many others. I was trusted by being honest, telling them about who I was now & the truth about my situation. Praying for God to lead me into the right place was the way to get into the door. Now here I am, looking again, but I trust He will help me and get me in the right place at the right time. He’s never let me down. It’s really unfair in life that God will forgive you and society (or most of it and the law) will not. I hope the best for all of you and that we can find fair legislation to help all felons on every level who need another shot at making a good life for themselves. After all, that’s all we really want…another chance.

Answer #26

Ok, I dont really know how to go about putting this gently, I dont know your situation, but did you not put yourself in it? I agree completely that everybody should have a fair shot in life, but weren’t you given that fair shot untill you went out and commited a crime? And as for saying its illegal to discriminate against felons, it is not at all illegal to discriminate against felons. It is one of the few probing questions you will find on many job applications and school applications that is in no violation of equal opportunity. I am sorry that you are in this situation, and there are many programs ou there to help out former convicts, I wish the best to you and hope that this has made you better in the long run but I do have to reiderate that while I am sorry, you did do this to yourself, did you not?

Answer #27

Didn’t you know all the programs you lose after you chose to do what ever wrong you did to get to this point? you lose privilage’es In life nothing is for sure, and when you wrong someone this is the path there is for a while or untill you can prove our wortheness to scoity. Its tough so thats why kids should leearn skills and not depend on what you can get someone to feel sorry for you What happen to real strong folks man or women that strive to be a better person on your own. There are so many that wine about what I can not do, and get stuck in that stage . tie your boots go work hard save your money be smart. Just another ex felon good luck!!!

Answer #28

I can only hope that you all are aware that throughout history, even America’s humble beginings, were the result of an oppressed peoples revolt. Man can only tolerate so much before he will instinctually fight for survival.The ranks of ex-felons are increasing daily and you John-Q-Citizen, by denying us basic rights, are providing us with a focal point you can not even begin to understand. Think on that John-Q. and be forwarned!!! Robert L.

Answer #29

The name is Mike. Cincinnati OH. Im a two time violent offender. At 30 years old with no trade besides fast food restaurants and general labor at temp services. Im wondering when will I do something to change this situation. My felonies are both older than seven years old. I HEAR LETS UNITE. Here is my email I can tell you where some jobs are here in Cincinnati, arent the best , most are temp. You want to talk give me a call even 513-546-5012. Nothing bad can come of information.

Answer #30

Where does someone in Grand Rapids MI find a job if they are a felon. My charge is 5 years old and am eligible for expungement but need a job to pay for it. Any suggestions

Answer #31

I attend Grand Rapids Community college, and then I am going to Grand Valley State University. I am a convicted felon and I can attend any college. I recently graduated as a Medical Assistant from a college. Keep your head up because there are places that will accept you. If you don’t have money for college then join the Army. I know they accept convicted felons.

Answer #32

I noticed posts saying that ups hires felons, but if that was so it changed. I just came from an interview there and was denied employment. Corporate says no felonies ever. It’s been 20 years ago and they would not hire me.

Answer #33 Check it out, I got a job with a manufacturing company working on electronics. I am on deferred adjudication for aggravated assault and had to find a job that matched my skills. Assembly line minimum wage jobs aren’t exactly what I am worth. This site helped me get this new job.

Answer #34


Answer #35

This is a really touchy subject. I was arrested and convicted in 1987. This was 22 years ago and now I can’t find a job. I might understand better if I was just released but I’ve been out for the last twelve years. No further arrest,not even traffic tickets and yet I still can’t find work. How long do I have to pay for the indescretions of my youth.

Answer #36

There is no such thing as a job for a convicted felon, I lost my, got another one within two days, then got fired seven days later for failing my background check. I had an interview today and everything went well, they said they let me know when I start, pending a background check. What are my choices, none except homelessness and returning to a life of crime just to survive. This country sucks and the American dream is nonexistent…

Answer #37

This is not an answer to your question, it is a question in itself. I am a convicted felon and have to prison a total of eight times. I was on drugs very bad and committed a lot of crimes ,now I cant find employment in a fast food rest. let alone anywhere else. What can I do ? I’ve been clean for 26 months now and haven’t committed any other crimes. I just cant find anyone to give me a chance. If you can help or offer any suggestions please do so.Contact

Answer #38

well I for one… have been charged with many felony’s. im sorry but.. I have to explain… I am going threw a really bad divorce. and my ex made up some bs story that I slept with a 16 year old. I have three kids… I have never and will never touch a child. I am being charged with drug related charges also. I have never in my life touched drugs.. I smoke cigs… I have never done any kind of illegal drugs in my life.
thing is my ex wants custody of my kids so he made this stuff up.
it has been … a year since I was charged and I am still going to court with night mares that I might go to prison… I was told I could get 10 years… I have never ever been in trouble with the law in my whole entire life. IM SCARED TO FREAKING DEATH.
but I got a great job… I thought I had a good job. I was pulled in the office one day and said I was fired. they made up some bs story… that I had carple tunnel. I have a feeling they fired me cause they found out of my court dates. it is a small town. but yeah… IM INNOCENT. as many people say.. but I cant prove it…

if I loose my kids I dont know what I will end up doing… I could care less about a job .. which I am holding off on now that I got fired… but when I get done with this … im going to get one and show my dead beat ex that I am a person.

I hope I can still get a job after all of this.

Answer #39

I was a former police officer doing training for a private secutity agency in 1994. I was involved in a shooting the area I was working was in an apartment complex controlled by a violent drug gang. When I went to court gang members showed up intimidated witnesses I was convicted and spent seven months in jail. I was released early the judge stated he didi not believe justus was served. I have had no problem finding work. I worked for the washington gas company for 10 years who knew I had the conviction when they hired me. While involved with the union as a shop steward I became at odds with the company while representing members of the union. The company said I was violent and fired me.Having this on your record is a life sentence especially for the ones wrongly convicted . While in jail I saw plenty who were offered pleas and took them out of fear and ignorance.

Answer #40

Hate to be fueled by such hate for a system that feed themselves upon their own people. Yet I have no problems in saying fck em fck em all . The system is wrong its lead by many kettles who call the tea pot black. As felons we should revolt hell if gays and races can and accomplish things then why the hell are we just talking about it.

Answer #41

I am a college student. I have a felony (which I did not advise admissions). I would suggest not advising admissions when you enroll - unless you have a federal drug charge that will prevent you from getting federal student aid.

Answer #42

as a convicted felon you will find work in the same ways as others…if you have NO education such as a high school drop out you will do the type of jobs like mopping floors, yard work, (buy a lawn mower and start on your own) washing cars, tree trimming, construction clean up, city dump, humane society cage cleaner or dog washing,go to your local employment agency to see what jobs may be available. Assume you will start at the bottom and work your way up by showing your employer you are trustworty,hrd works and willing to do any job regardless of how difficult, boring or low paid. You put yourself inthe this position and you willhave to WORK like a dog to get out of it.

Answer #43

HI all! I just wrote the congressman Oberstar, I feel a law should be passed that once a convicted felon has proven themselves after a certain time, their record should be cleared. I need help with this. Let’s get a petition going and send it to congress. Let’s all stand together. My felonies are 15 years old and in the sate of MN I can not get a job NO WHERE! I have done a few interviews and they the interviewers loved me, sent me to take a drug test which I passed and then started me and once the background came back, rescinded their offer, or terminated me. Some states only go back 7 years while other states can go back as far as they want. We need to make and change the laws regarding the hiring of convicted felons!

Answer #44

Should a convict be punished for the rest of their lives? No. Enough said. However the hardships that convicts face isn’t because the employers/landlords have decided that convicts need extra punishing, its because they act on their fears. On TV we see people going to jail for ‘bad things’ and simply made an unquestioned association between going to jail (for any reason) and being bad: be it untrustworthy or unreliable, etc. If we had more tv shows are ex-cons breaking out of their past and becoming productive citizens,… then maybe society will change.

Answer #45

I wold like to say to all of you to just remain strong , and to not give up ! I live in NY and am a convicted felon who was snetenced to 5 years robation and I’m near completion of my sentence. I have experienced the same discrimination when it comes to applying for jobs. I recently have been working as an independant contractor for a pharmaceutical co. Try to find jobs in that area some companies may provide the vehicle in some cases or you may have to have a vehicle .

Answer #46

Have you ever heard of Everest University? Im a convicted felon also. I start classes for Business Management in April. The only thing is that being a felon there are certain classes that you can take and certain ones that you can not take. Dont let people with a small frame of mind get in youe way. They never know what tomorrow may bring. They look down on felons but could be in our shoes tomorrow. But check out Everest University at and see what they can do for you. Keep your head up and keep working towards your goals. God Bless

Answer #47


Answer #48

The system as a whole sucks a**! Granted I did what I did to get myself in this situation, but what about me having served my time and paying me dues to society? Not only does the system see fit to take away a part of my life, but now there’s a struggle for me to be and/or remain employed. That’s how the cycle is continued on one front. Even more so disturbing…what about all of the younger people who are still only children that are being marked with this ugly label so early in their life? 17 and 18 year old kids having to deal with this the rest of their life! With that said, I am looking for employment myself. I face homelessness and no way to pay my “court ordered” fine. I have hella bills like everyone else and just can’t survive off of $7.50 an hour! We need a fair break or we need to take charge!!!

Answer #49

I just wanted to say that I am a (2) time convicted felon. I find that men have it a bit easier to search for jobs. They can do construction, auto mech, etc … Unlike a lot of females who really are just not made for that. Right now I am trying to get into college for Bus Mgmt and move forward from there. To all of you out there struggling .. KEEP THE FAITH! God bless! Misty

Answer #50

I was forced to plea guilt to an armed robery I didn’t even see happen… In the state of florida failure to report a capital felony is a felony. And, with it’s suporting law, make you culpible of all the charges of thoughs you didn’t report. Great huh? Imagine my surprise when I get arested for armed robery, assult and kidnapping. I must be a horrible person right? You decide. I didn’t call the cops on a few kids when the used b.b. guns to rob one of their other friends of an ounce of pot… That he was selling them.. Huh? How are you going to call the cops on someone, when YOUR BREAKING THE LAW TO!? The state was going to give the kids LIFE for it! Now remember, Im being charged with the their charges… They want to give me life for failure to REPORT! AND THEY CAN! Read the books. I did, beleive me. I was scarred. Nothing I could do about it, because the way the law was wrighten. Crappy huh? So the state says;”if you plea guilty to armed robery, we’ll drop you other charges. And we’ll tri the case based on culpibility. (individual guilt) Gee, let me think… Plea guilt to a crime I didn’t commit, or serve a life sentence for one…hmmm. tough choice huh? Is this justice? How many convicts are felons because the state procecuter wanted to see if he could.. If you don’t beleive me? look and see haw many DNA cases were over turned just last year alone. It will scare the sh_t out of you…

Answer #51

I’m not quite sure, but I can ask my ex-husband and find out. He is a felon also.

Answer #52

because the people thats running these trucking schools are either racist or they are just plain ol picky and don’t understand that people need these jobs to support their family and themselves and they think a person with a felony is the same old person and they won’t change their life and do the right thing,they judge us from the past not by what we are now and their the same ones that sit and watch the news and wonder why it’s so many people unemployed and don’t realize their the reason i mean come on it’s hard for men to make a living in the united states or anywhere.

Answer #53

It is illegal to discriminate against a person solely on criminal conviction if it is not directly and related to the nature of the work being applied for,especially if you are black or hispanic.It is Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Law.All you bonehead human resource personnel are breaking the laws and if you are aware then you just lie and say you hired someone else more qualified.There are also rules in the Geneva Convention about basic human rights for all world citizens.If you don’t like it ,vote for longer prison sentences.There are 14 states that have very specific laws reguarding the proper and improper uses of background checks.How many idiot H/R people have ever sent an adverse action report for not hiring someone with a record or notified someone 14 days in advance to allowed them review their own report for inaccuracies.God Damned hipocrits.

Answer #54

Please visit The Ex Network I am looking for Ex-offenders from all states to join

A network where Ex-Offenders can discuss challenges from finding employment, to obtaining housing, training, and just life in general. Ex-Offender Family Members are welcome too. You are also welcome to blog, chat, post videos, music, photos, contribute, share and just plain old vent. I am looking for Ex-offenders from all states to join.

Answer #55

I agree with you nothelm. Though I’ve never been incarcerated , I have friends and co-workers that have. Usually if you walk the straight and narrow and go into a trade like auto mech., aviation mech., construction,heating nad air cond. auto body work. You can get a break and work your way back up. However your right. Just because someone makes one mistake. It shouldn’t cost them the rest of their lives. Let him here who is without sin… Keep working at it and I’m sure you’ll get those breaks. If God be for you. Who can be against you ?

Answer #56

my husband was convicted 5years ago on something called attempted to carry a conceled wepon.he was stopped at a check point had a hand gun in the car( his job at the time was armed security)he was off duity at the time.He has been unable to get any work needless to say it has hurt every part of our lives

Answer #57

I hope you all are aware that throughout history, even America’s humble beginings, were the end result of oppressed people who revolted. Enough said! Robert L.

Answer #58

I have a son who is 21 and is serving 6 months in a bootcamp. He is convicted with a felony on drug possession. He has 2 years of college and has a 3.8 grade point average. As a mother and a teacher I am sad for what lies ahead for him. I have stood beside him and have done everything I can. When he gets out he wants to go back to college. I just don’t know how we are going to pay for it since the government will not let him have federal aid. He is very intelligent,but has made some bad decision. I just pray he will be able to get a job if we can get him back in college. If anyone would like to work with me on starting a group called Mom’s who want to help there children live productive lives when they get out of college and be able to be judged for what they have done in the present and not their mistakes from the past please email me and maybe we can begin to organize a group. I know that each of us would not like to be judged on things we have done in our past if we had to. There is no one in this world who is perfect. We teach children to learn from their mistakes. Let’s take that advice as adults and have confidence that some people do learn from their mistakes. If we don’t we just as well brand them like the Germans did with the Jews and put them away in a camp forever.

Answer #59

I find it humorous the way these people whine about how they can’t get jobs because they are convicted felons and woe is me because I’m doing life… What the hell are they trying to do for work? Let’s be realistic. They probably won’t hire you as a top level management straight out the joint and they probably won’t hire you at a bank with a theft felony. Same is true for not hiring you as a nurse if you have a drug felony. Get the picture? But I know for a fact they will hire you in construction, factory, fast food, waiting tables or cooking. You can always find a job, unless of course you are a total idiot and come to the interview with shorts and flip flops, long hair and prison tats on your neck. Then it probably isn’t your prison status that isn’t getting you that job. It’s your total lack of attention to detail. I’m a twice convicted felon having done two prison terms and after the first term went to a university. Had to jump through some hoops after they found out I was an ex-felon but I did it. The second time, I got out and went to dive school and now work as a commercial diver making more than even a lot of lawyers. Plus I am a national registered E.M.T. By the way, I have never been denied a job because I am an ex-felon. So, quit yer whining and get a job…con.

Answer #60

As a convicted felon, i must say that these past post disturb me. To help you better understand why, allow me to give you the true background that doesn’t show up on my background checks. I was convicted in 2004 of aggrevated assault. I called my baby momma a b!tch while taking her to work one day and she, in turn, attacked me in my car. She called the police on her cellphone and told them that i was beating her. i reached over to grab the phone to tell my side of the story and she grabbed the wheel of the car, causing us to veer off the road and into a tree. When i finally got to court after serving almost a full year without bond, she freely admitted to the DA on the stand that i never hit her. Due to the lack of any marks or bruising the day of my arrest, she had no choice. The 911 tape my attorney submitted as evidence on my behalf showed no signs of anger or hightened apprehention on either side. There is even a part where she laughed when making a mistake of stating the wrong location. Judge bachelor of the gwinnett county superior court found me guilty, sentenced me to 10 years to serve 2, and stated “ and i hope you never hit a woman again”. Now i am a convicted felon. (Since my conviction, my baby momma has been arrested twice for assault on two seperate men. Both times the charges where dropped.) There are hundreds of thousands of convicted felons who have similar stories. Society has molded us to look no further than the phrase ‘convicted felon’, and to judge a persons integrity and wothiness on this phrase alone. Macenroe 2007 posed the question: didn’t you put yourself in that position? The answer in most cases is yes, but my answer is no. So the next time you run across a convicted felon, simply ask them what happened. You’ll find more often than not, evidence of a corrupt system taking advantage of disadvantaged people than you would a horrible, dishonest creep who chose to commit a crime. ignorance is bliss

Answer #61

It is time for felons to unite. Divided we are falling prey to those who live life from the philosophy of profit motive. We are humans; we are americans, yes, we are america. There is and always will be a select few who don’t error in their lives and hold nothing but contempt for those that do. It takes our collective powers of the will to overcome such muckrakers who hide from living out loud by standing in the shadows and pointing fingers in fear.

 It is time to ignore the companies, the businesses that love our dollars to our face but hate us in private. It is time to stand up and speak out against the priveleged politicians that are hired by the elite to keep us in the dark places that we are fighting to rise up out of. The elite look for the cheapest means of production possible in order to attain maximum profit. If no one ever stood up against this there would still be slavery and no child labor laws. A government is made up of the collective concious of its members, the concious of those allowed to vote! It's time to stand up for what is ours that was taken away by laws that weren't within our reach in the first place.
Answer #62

An organization for creating better jobs for felons probably won’t work

First, businesses don’t want to hire felons. Its that simple. Once you have a felony, people do not trust you anymore, no matter what the circumstances behind the conviction.

Second, politicians do not want to seem soft on crime by voting to make life easier for felons. This issue is exactly the type of thing that can lose someone an election. And because felons can’t vote in the first place, politicians are even less likely to support their issues.

You can argue that being a felon makes life on the outside so impossible that felons have no choice but to return to crime. Others would argue that the harsh life long consequences of a felony conviction act as a deterrent against committing the crime in the first place.

Answer #63

I’m sure you’ve heard both your share of useless, and ego orientated answers that state the obvious. Why wouldn’t you know that you put yourself in this situation? To me that in itself is an adult playing very childish games. Anyone that’s made a mess of there life with felonies has some consciousness that the loop there in is going to take more then blaming other people and finding more issues instead of solutions. Being a felon is being reborn as a misfit. There are a lot of barriers out there because we haven’t been standing up for ourselves and things are relaxed and between all the second hand information and people tumbling back into the recidivism rate the obvious answer to equality and forward mobility is becoming buried deeper and deeper. The laws for convicted felons vary from state to state and the reason that this is allowed to be is because we are so busy fighting the battle of just trying everyday that we are loosing the war of actually getting things done by standing together. Everyone has something to contribute. Not money, but your time and the reality of of you don’t take a stand for your life you see the edges of the shoe box that you and any of us will be living in for the rest of our lives. There are those of us that are being herded into the general perception of convicted felons and ex offenders while we stand apart in our lives each day standing for possibility. While we vote. While we work everyday and do whatever we an to overcome people like the “You did this to yourself” guy that left that message on this screen to be providers and to fight for balance. No one is going to give us a break. No one is going to show mercy. If you want something like I want to get something out here that shapes up into a life we have to stand together. There’s no place to lay down on anything it takes to get it done. Am I saying this because I’m better then you? Am I saying this because I’ve found the holy grail of getting over? Am I saying this because my life in a Rembrandt of accomplishment. No. I’m saying this because I’m in the trenches juts like some of you. I watch life pass me by like some of you. I’m tired of complaining and then being quiet in the corner. Everyday I fight to be heard. Radio stations, journalism majors, newsletters, columns, churches and from NY to Chicago I search for people that will stand up for themselves. Believe in themselves and let that be an example to other misfits so that we can take the war into full view. So that we can fight for our lives, our rights, so we can be reconciled to our communities and states that we live in. So that we can be leaders, warriors and everything we were cut to be before we shattered ourselves into a million pieces by being arrested. There’s still time. there’s still hope and there is still a dream that each of you have, btu you have to willing to bleed for that world to be born into reality. You have to take a look at what’s not working for you. I know that for some of you the noise in your head in screaming get paper and old routes may offer temporary things, but each of us are bigger then that. I know how it feels to have someone tell you all your life you’re going to be absolutely nothing. I know what it is like to have everyone that’s crossed your path to see all of this wonderful potential in you, but you’re still sleeping in the gutter. You’re still hopeless and alone. We stand together and we can fight for our lives. If we continue to let the economics, politics and art of war within us dictate where we are and how far we can go there’s nothing. The same nothing that you’re getting a glimpse of everyday all around you. the same nothing that’s sucked up all the opportunity that some of us took for granted and for others of us have never seen. The opportunity is in the mirror and what’s looking back at you is the proverbial “One Day It’ll Be Right” your time, my time and anybody’s time that’s about standing up for themselves is right now.

                                                   "A Suggestion"

Initially I had an idea for people like you and myself. I wanted to get enough of us together to try to mobilize an effort to get a representative in the U.S. senate for the national affairs of ex offenders and convicted felons. That’s just a small part of the people that this idea would be aimed at supporting. I must have went about it wrong because I got kicked off of here when I tried to leave my e mail address. Another thing is that I very much get that your problems are your own just like your life is. The point though is that more of us stand together then we can get more done in our individual situations instead of just just being disgusted with trying day after day. It’s just something to think about.

Answer #64

I did my crime and served my time! Now I’m free and the world wants me and others like me to fit into the norm but all of you so-called good people won’t let us. From my view of the so-called good people of the world you are only 1 drink away from going to jail or prison from driving drunk and don’t tell me you havn’t gotten into car car after having acouple of drinks!!! Also all of you good men that are married or with someone all you are is 5 mins. from coming home early and catching your mate with someone else!!! Then your in prison for doing your thing on them!!! Good luck with your great I don’t do anything wrong LIFE.

Answer #65

Im 37 years old convicted of crimes in 1994 did six months on bootcamp got out worked for wal-mart 10 years never got in trouble again and I have three sons all born after 1994. Soceity does not care about anyone but themselves ,unless it effects their pockect books.People make mistakes , big business runs the prisons systems and people just dont care. I did like that we as felons should come together and stop buying from merchants and doing business with employers who will not hire felons. all people who are not felons stop posting here unless you got something postive to say. as for the army a hole

Answer #66

I also am a convicted felon. I stole a car when I was 17, and did a year of state jail time for it when I was 18. I am now 31 years old and STILL have NEVER found employment sufficent to be completely independent. I made one small mistake 14 years ago, and that obviously is reason enough to ruin the rest of my life. I’ve attended school, graduated, and received my certification. Even then, when I went to find a job in my chosen profession, I was shorted by 20% on my pay because I was a felon. I’ve come to realize that living in the confederate south doesn’t pay for a black man. You better NEVER make a mistake, because that is just want they want. To make you a slave all over again. That’s the american way. Please remember how this country was founded. Most of white america are racist. Whether undercover or blatenly. They stole the Indians land and killed them. They cross the ocean to steal people from their country to use as slaves because they were too tired to build a country (killing Indians is hard work). And now hundreds of years later, this is the new system put in place to make us stay slaves. Black people, men especially, we better not fart in public or your life is over! Anybody who says race isn’t important anymore is blind and extremely ignorant. I’m almost ready to go out and get what I need BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. What choice has society left me? I’m a completely different person than that 17 year old who stole a car, why won’t society let me move past that? I’ve been a little bitter about this, can you tell? Its hard to be positive when everything about this country is stacked against me because of a childhood mistake and my race.

Answer #67

I’m a felon also. Not sure about the term “ex-felon”, maybe ex-convict or ex-inmate, but still a convicted felon. My felonies stem from over 10 years ago but I’m turned down for most every job I try to get once (and if) they run a criminal background check. I’ve got 3 felonies involving burglary and grand theft. I was charged with 4 prior but all dropped and reduced to a misdemeanor for lack of evidence and plea. Don’t think those show up though and also a different state. But I live in Virginia and they allow criminal checks past 7 years and pretty much any charges you’ve ever had. I hear some people say lie on your application and I believe it depends on the job. For example, I was a truck driver for a few companies and I know they will check it, so lying will only make you look bad. The more they stress criminal check the more they probably mean it, and you can take an educated guess that if you are trying to work at a bank or dealing with company funds, they are going to check. I’m pretty sure that being honest for a job I just recently tried to get, turned me down because I admitted it, and looking back on it, I would have at least had a damn chance if I didn’t tell them. Trucking companies don’t care much about having felonies as long as they aren’t recent. It’s one avenue that most felons could do. Swift Trans will train anyone but be honest, they will check. Can’t have numerous recent reckless or speeding tickets either. One post mentioned sales. That’s not a bad occupation, and I’ve done it before. Most don’t even run background checks or even check previous employers. Which leads me to my 2nd to last idea for others. Many of us have trouble getting decent jobs, fact, and because of this we tend to change jobs because under paid or completely unhappy. I make up a resume, depending on certain categories of jobs I’m tying to get. Like one for sales, one for warehousing, dispatching, technician, etc. Each sounding good for that job and employer. Some info is true but I alter to make sound better. One trick that I have actually used is, for whatever reason or time-frame, I use my own cell phone number as one of the jobs. Best for last job because you can make up your own company sounding answering voice mail and either you call back to verify that work history or have someone else read the dates and title and answer basic questions. A good thing is that because of privacy laws you don’t have to reveal much or anything past dates of employment, although some co’s will press knowing that. End call and you just verified work history for years with whatever job title you think you can pass for. Hint: don’t get far fetched, you may have to walk into that expects you to pass that off. My last thought.. (drum roll) is you can’t just walk on into Canada and start over. I keep reading that bs on this site. Hot Tip: if you walk into Canada and don’t already have permission from Canada from the office in DC, because of your felonies, you can be re-charged with your American felonies and put into jail in Canada and do more time. AND if you do get permission from Canada and pay the few hundred bucks for permission and move there, you are still a damn felon. Your record doesn’t just disappear. Most, if not all saying that have never tried it. Good luck to all out there and don’t let this world decide your happiness.

Answer #68

To all who keep making excuses.You people have real issues. I am a convicted felon. I did 6 years for a crime I didn’t commit. The world does not owe me anything. I get out and make a life for myself and my 2 children. I am a college student and a Licensed Cosmetologist. Times are hard, but I make the best of it. Find you find your gift and use it. Get up get out and get something! Use the ability you used for crime and turn that hustle into a legal positive life changing experience. Good Luck and May God Bless all that try to help themselves!

Answer #69

Hello I am an ex felon and I can relate to those of you that have gone thru the system. Let me tell you people I understand exactly what your speaking about and have also been frustrated by societys rejection!! and for those of you that speak condecending to us ex felons by saying quote”didnt you put yourself there? You caused your own problems!” well your not telling us something we have not questioned ourselves so save it!! remember Jack nicholson? “Dont describe the water were drowning in throw us a life jacket!!” I agree with so many that have shared your stories and Im here to tell you that things have to change for us, It is an issue that we ought to take to our nations leader!! I am in the process of completing my life story and I will be heard!! I am also putting the book out because I want to see changes in the system. I believe that once we complete our time in prison, we have paid our dues but as it stands now our dues will not be paid until the day we die, Well people that is not ok with me and it certainly should not be okay with you!!! BLESSINGS TO ALL EVEN THE EX FELONS!!LETS BE THE CHANGE!!

Answer #70

We will have to pay until the day we are put in the ground, nobody cares about how long it has been, or even what you did,and with all jobs checking backgrounds now we my as well kill, rob, carjack, and what ever we need to do to feed or family. MAYBE THEN SOMEBODY WILL WAKE UP, AND CHANGE THINGS…….

Answer #71

in my research, I have found that it is not within a prospective employer’s power to check your background beyond 7 years. If your felony occured more than 7 years ago, it is perfectly safe to indicate that you do not have a criminal background.

Answer #72

Hey Lobo, Great post however the fact still remains that we all are felons. I for one dont want to have to rely on years to pass untill I can sneek by and say no I am not when in fact I still am even after the five or ten years is past. Ive been in contack with Sen. Righter of the 55th and he was posative to a point for our situation. He is willing somewhat to try and find a way to put a bill before Conngress to let us earn our rights once again after a period of time, and good conduct. Im trying to get some of us who really care together and form a small group of people who can provide info and facts to help this situation. I will post any and all good info soon….

Answer #73

Not all who are convicted of crimes are “guilty”. You have no right to judge anybody. I was totally innocent of the crime I was convicted of. I already had a B.A. Degree, but the horrid public defenders poor people are stuck with opens your eyes to the corrupt injustice in our judicial system. Until you become a victim of this corrupt system you need to keep your mouth closed.

Answer #74

You are 100% correct. My situation was more unjust than yours. People have no ‘right’ to judge any felon.

Answer #75


Answer #76

NO! You must have been CONVICTED to be a felon.

Answer #77

I agree, if the sentence is the punishment, why should anybody suffer any further after they’ve served their time? Most citizens are ignorant to the fact that the prison system is a MONEY MAKER!

Answer #78

I agree. Since our government makes us uninsurable after conviction. This is nonsense. Include me in your coalition if you ever get it started.

Answer #79

Learn from your mistakes and never get married again.

Answer #80

Only the poor go to prison in Iowa. Anybody who can’t afford their own private attorney has ZERO chance of justice in this system. Living on disability I succumb to the incompetence of a public defender. I am in your shoes.

Answer #81

Politicians will NOT vote for this bill since election time is nearby. They are selfish, greedy rich people and ignore small groups that society hates -like felons. We are both screwed for life.

Answer #82

Untill we unit and get our rights back. Write to Conress and tell them your story. I have and it takes more than one or two of us to act on this

Answer #83

Good post!

Answer #84

Please count me in Ive been working on this for a while

Answer #85

It depends on the state your in … you can look it up on the web.

Answer #86

When do we start ??? im ready!

Answer #87

Hello again Senator, I have found a web site that you may like to look at. It’s filled with ex- offenders such as myself looking for work, and not getting past the back ground checks that employers are using to not hire Ex-offenders. I myself am mounting much debt trying to finish my BA at EIU, while not being able to find work. This issue is not going to get better unless we all address the fact that our state and nation is becoming filled with people who are trying to overcome this life sentence of being an ex-offender even after serving their time. Your office has a chance to help those of us trying to once again become a trusted part of society. [link removed] I would love to help your office collect info in starting a bill to change our laws that are in effect creating a dead end life for those of us Ex- offenders that truly want to improve our lives for the better, for ourselves, our family, and our community. We as human beings clearly need your help with this issue. As for me I will clean toilets, and mow lawns to finish my second degree, and have been to date. Please help us find a way that we too can be counted as worthy human beings within our state and nation. You’re input and reply is eagerly awaited. Thank you Senator for your time, effort, and consideration in this matter of importance.

Answer #88

Hello again Senator, I have found a web site that you may like to look at. It’s filled with ex- offenders such as myself looking for work, and not getting past the back ground checks that employers are using to not hire Ex-offenders. I myself am mounting much debt trying to finish my BA at EIU, while not being able to find work. This issue is not going to get better unless we all address the fact that our state and nation is becoming filled with people who are trying to overcome this life sentence of being an ex-offender even after serving their time. Your office has a chance to help those of us trying to once again become a trusted part of society. [link removed] I would love to help your office collect info in starting a bill to change our laws that are in effect creating a dead end life for those of us Ex- offenders that truly want to improve our lives for the better, for ourselves, our family, and our community. We as human beings clearly need your help with this issue. As for me I will clean toilets, and mow lawns to finish my second degree, and have been to date. Please help us find a way that we too can be counted as worthy human beings within our state and nation. You’re input and reply is eagerly awaited. Thank you Senator for your time, effort, and consideration in this matter of importance.

Answer #89

Hello again Senator, I have found a web site that you may like to look at. It’s filled with ex- offenders such as myself looking for work, and not getting past the back ground checks that employers are using to not hire Ex-offenders. I myself am mounting much debt trying to finish my BA at EIU, while not being able to find work. This issue is not going to get better unless we all address the fact that our state and nation is becoming filled with people who are trying to overcome this life sentence of being an ex-offender even after serving their time. Your office has a chance to help those of us trying to once again become a trusted part of society. [link removed] I would love to help your office collect info in starting a bill to change our laws that are in effect creating a dead end life for those of us Ex- offenders that truly want to improve our lives for the better, for ourselves, our family, and our community. We as human beings clearly need your help with this issue. As for me I will clean toilets, and mow lawns to finish my second degree, and have been to date. Please help us find a way that we too can be counted as worthy human beings within our state and nation. You’re input and reply is eagerly awaited. Thank you Senator for your time, effort, and consideration in this matter of importance.

Answer #90

Why is you people who are so defensive think that because you “Did your time” that’s all there is?? Wrong! All of this is so others see how hard it is and will have enough grey matter to not commit any crime! So you made an example of. You chose to commit a crime knowing you would be punished, so don’t act like it’s such a hard life, you were taught that by your parents, school, and Police, but chose to do it anyway! So when others see what you go through, maybe they’ll think twice and not take what doesn’t belong to them, or hurt someone. It’s called punishment and it’s the price for crime.

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