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Im 17 and it will be a year before im 18 and I really want to be a porn star how do I go about that

Answer #1

dont do it. you’ll never find true love because no guy will want 100 guys left overs

Answer #2

Not to sound rude, but I really wouldn’t recommend it. I’m sure you can find a more suitable job out there (since most jobs hire around 16). And judging by your photo, you look WAY too nice of a person to be a porn star. And since you’ll be 18 in a little, perhaps you can try being a receptionist or something along those lines. But definatley not a porn star. I really hope you reconsider. :(

Answer #3

uhh trust me I dn’t want to b a porn star smebdy was on ma account && did that not me…

Answer #4

you gotta have the face and the body.

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