Job options for 16-year-old

What are some good first job options for a 16-year old?

Answer #1

Apply at your local grocery store,or restaraunts in town. Thats what Im doing :]

Answer #2

dependaing on what career path you are going to take, example: Career field for accounting would start as: 1st: cashier = for age 16 2nd: promote and move up to sales or stay as a cashier at age 17. 3rd : bank teller job at age 18. salary around $9- $12. 4Th: move up to supervisor bank teller. Than keep moving until then position of a accounting starts..Salary $30,000 a year or moreā€¦

Really just find a career and than find a job related to the career field.

Answer #3

grocery store, drug store, movie store (:

Answer #4

Fast food and retail are your best options for a 1st job. A lot of waitressing jobs require you to be 18, as many restaraunts serve alcohol.

Answer #5

waiter casheir baby sitter

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