Is God a fairy tale?

Some of you may go to church once a week, or on religious Holidays. But do you ever wonder if there is a God? If those things written in the bible are based on truth or are a bundle of fairly tales? And what’s the deal with Heaven? We all know when someone dies they get baried in a coffin and are lowered into the ground to slowly decompose. And if you’ve ever been in a plane, you know there are no angels or golden gates up there in the clouds. Is Heaven made up? Like a dragon or a griffin? Is God made up? Just a made up character, in a made up place, wiritten about in a fiction book. It would make sense. There is no evidence God exists. Miracles?’s coincidence. But if it’s all so surreal, why have people been going to church for such a long time, and most of the population is Christian? Even now, in the computer age, beliefs are scarce, but the church hasn’t been destroyed. What do you think?

Answer #1

hiyamia: What makes you think anyone created it? Saying god did isn’t an explanation - it just means you have to explain where god came from, instead.

Answer #2

I now belive god exists, look at the world who made it, it certainly wasnt us, nooo it wasni the big bang, it was god

Answer #3

Alright so all these people have their own oppinions on this subbject but I don’t have an oppinion! I have a fact! God exisists! Some find it hard to beleive but the mere look at the world is proof that there is a God! Otherwise how did all this come to be? It just cant poof and there it is! And if it did just poof! Then who made it poof?!?!?! God. He is the maker of all things and we are here today because his son died for us to live this life! Yes there is bad things in this world but its because Satan made it this way. SIn. We all sin. And Jesus died so we can ask God to forgive us! We are here on this earth to make a chooice! Whether you want to go to hell or go to heaven. you choose! Its not a fairy tale. your not going to find heaven in the clouds. When you die your not fully dead. just try to understand. For EXAMPLE:::

WHen you pull the plug out of your computer. Its off right? Right. So it may be Off but all the codes and information is still inside!

So when you die your simply in a stage of sleep. yes your dead. but your spirit isnt! its still there and its waiting! Its waiting for the day God comes down and takes us for judgement! you put urself in Hell or Heaven God doesnt, you make the choice on this earth whether you want to beleive or you don’t. When it comes down to judgement He will either put you in heaven or hell…but it was all what you wanted to do. He wants you to be with him forever in Heaven ,but he wont make you if you don’t want to!

Here is a saying I say to myself when im in Doubt!

“I would rather live like there is a God and to find out in the end of life that their isnt one, Then to live like their isnt one then to find out there is!”

Wouldnt you rather beleive in Him and then when you die find out their wasnt one. Then to live like their wasnt one then to find out in the end that their is one and end up in Hell?

If you wait till death to find out that God is real then your in for a realy rude awakeing!

If you want God to come into your life and you want to except him into your heart and beleive and have faith in him! Say this prayer. Dear God, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe that He was born of the Virgin Mary. I believe that He died on the cross, that His blood was shed for my sins and that He arose from the dead. I confess that I have disobeyed your commandments. I ask you to forgive me for these sins. I now ask Jesus to come into my heart. Be my Savior. Be my Lord. Be my soon coming King. I will do my best to obey your teachings as recorded in the Bible. Thank you, in Jesus name. Amen.

I hope to see you in heaven one day! you will always be in my prayers and in order to love someone you must know them! So Get to know God and read the bible! Then you will most sinserely love him!

God bless you and if your looking for more answers go to this website! Copy it & paste it to your browser.

Also I will be here to answer your questions! God loves and Died for U! you don’t have to agree rite away but consider it if you will, life is short make the right choice!

Answer #4

“they say that when before george washington went into battle & stuff that he would bow down in prayer to God, and look what he did he WON!”

Clearly the most compelling evidence for the existence of god ever. Of course, when I went bowling last week, I prayed to Zeus, and I won, so clearly Zeus exists, too.

“and when they were writing the important documents for our country all the men went into 4 hours of intense prayer & bible reading and look what we have today? America is living proof that God does miracles…”

Actually, America was founded on a secular basis - part of what the founding fathers were fleeing was the religious persecution and enforced state religion of England. While their religious views were quite varied (many were Christians, some were deists, some were atheists), they all agreed on separation of church and state.

Answer #5

“Even now, in the computer age, beliefs are scarce, but the church hasn’t been destroyed. “

Beliefs are scarce? Say what? People believe in at least as many crazy things now as they ever have:

  • Religion (Christianity, Catholicism, Islam, Wicca, Hindi, Shintoism, and on and on)
  • Cults (Scientology and more)
  • ‘Faith healing’
  • Quack medicine (Chiropracty, herbalism, reiki, acupuncture, chakras, homeopathy)
  • ‘Crystal power’
  • Conspiracy theories (Vaccination denialism, 911-truthers, …)
  • Ghosts and spirits
  • Psychics, tarot, clairvoyance, …

Need I go on? The catalogue of ridiculous things humans believe in goes on and on. My apologies if you believe in one or more of these and are offended by their inclusion, but understand that they all fall into exactly the same category of “things that people believe in but have no proof for or reason to suppose they exist”.

All the universality of human belief proves is that people tend to believe in things without evidence. It says nothing about the validity of the things they believe in whatsoever.

Answer #6

I don’t think God is a fairy tale, I beleive he exists, though I don’t beleive he is what most people think. I think God is an entity that created the universe, and that Satan is his equal counterpart, yin and yang.. I don’t personally beleive that God has any interaction with our world. He may have when he first created us, and then realized that we’re destructive, and a virus to the planet he gave us, and created new, more perfect life, somewhere else. We’re still blessed with the fruits of the land until we destroy it completely. And as far as heaven and hell, I guess we’ll find out when we die lol. I almost feel like heaven and hell is just a state of life and that we’re constantly reborn until our soul completes it’s journey. I think if you live a good life, do good deeds, and feel great about yourself you’re in heaven, and if you live a horrible life and treat people bad and only care about yourself than earth is hell. Life is what you make it.

Answer #7

“Alright so all these people have their own oppinions on this subbject but I don’t have an oppinion! I have a fact! “

No, you have an opinion, just like everyone else. Your belief is not evidence for the existence of a god. Nor is your inability to conceive of a universe without one.

Answer #8

god is not a character. get your facts straight. god is a very respectable theory explained in many different ways. I don’t believe there is a god. you shouldn’t be trying to figure out if there is one. nobody knows. wait til your dead and see. have a good life lil olga

Answer #9

perceiver: Why is a universe created by a god any more likely than one not created by a god? Saying “god did it” isn’t an explanation, it’s a cop-out.

Answer #10

Evidence that God exists? look at the world, at the universe. Science only explains the processes by which things work, it is incapable of explaining WHY any of those things are so. It admits that it has no idea where the universe came from. Your own mind and reason should tell you that God exists.

Answer #11

To everyone in this ‘conversation’ : The world was created by the Big Bang, it’s theoretical explanation. Psychics and anstronomy can roughly explain how everything came to be. Space invented itself billions upon billions trillions of years ago to end the nothingness that was. Gases formed slowly, then rocks and slowly moons and planets. It’s just evolution- like how monkeys turned into humans. Slow process…came out of nowhere. The world- same deal. There is no God :)

Answer #12

God isn’t a fairytale, at all! Heaven isnt on earth like up in the clouds and stuff. I used to think that to when I was up in an airplane but its not true. if you think about it, the clouds are just bundles of water. kinda like how if you’d dig way way deep into the ground that you’d find hell? nope. even though you cant see it, trust me heaven & hell are real. and God is real to. and there is living breathing pooping proof! they say that when before george washington went into battle & stuff that he would bow down in prayer to God, and look what he did he WON! and when they were writing the important documents for our country all the men went into 4 hours of intense prayer & bible reading and look what we have today? America is living proof that God does miracles…

Answer #13

My R.E teacher in school really liked me because I was the only person who would argue and debate with him about god and religion. I’m an athiest and believe more in fairies, the easter bunny, santa claus and the tooth fairy than I believe in god. I find it to be very childish to believe in god…you beileve in the above myths when you are wee but then you grow up and understand that they don’t exist…why do christians not grow up like everyone else does?

Answer #14

That’s a lot of questions, but basically, yes, god is a fairy tale. Heaven is a pipe dream, and hell was invented to scare people into good behavior.

This is teh only life you have, and when it’s over, it’s just over.

Answer #15

personly I think its bullshite but thats up to you to decide for yourself

Answer #16

lol I guess it all depends on the person I think you might like this=>

Answer #17

Nothing finite can be infinite (eternal). Since the universe is made of finite things (matter, time, space), it therefor must be created by something without time (timeless), thus making it eternal. If it is eternal, it must be infinite, and if its the Creator, it must be God.

The universe changes, and time is the measure of change. How many changes have happened before right now? If you claim an infinite number of changes (which is impossible because you can not have an infinite amount of finite things), it is a logically impossible to conclude we could ever have reached this moment in time. In a world of cause and effect (which we live in), there can not be an infinite regress (an infinite amount of cause and effect reactions to get to a certain cause).

Allow me to rephrase. Imagine that the Earth orbits the sun every 365 days (it does). Now, on Mars, a year is much longer than an Earth year, being 687 Earth days (basically double). So, for every 2 years of Mars, Earth has circled the sun approximately 4 times. Now, imagine that this has been going on for eternity. By your logic, they would both have circled the sun the exact same amount of times, because its been going on forever (this is clearly impossible). This shows the impossibility of an infinite regress, whereby there could not have been an infinite amount of (x) before right now, in a finite universe based on time.

Now, back to God. God exists outside of time, in Eternity. God created time, and time is irrelevant to Him. God is Eternal, not created. Firstly, you have 2 choices; either everything came from nothing (which is impossible), or something always existed and created us. You have no other choice. Take a moment to think about that, remembering that it can not exist in time, that would be impossible. Time can not be eternal.

This thing that always existed would be considered Eternal, having transcended time, space, and matter, being everlasting, having always existed. If you argue this is impossible, I would argue the contrary; it is impossible for this Eternal ‘thing’ to not exist, because the alternative is that nothing existed, which could only produce nothing. So, something always existed, and is therefor Eternal.

Now, for something to be Eternal, it can not consist of time, because time must have had a beginning. We exist in a universe of causality, so an infinite regress is impossible; there could not have been an infinite amount of time before right now, because we never would have reached this moment in time. That means time had a beginning, and whatever created time exists without time, beyond time, in timelessness; Eternity.

So, this Eternal Creator, created time, and the universe. This Eternal Creator clearly is extremely powerful, because the energy of the trillions of stars in the known universe were created by this Creator. And obviously, the Creator is extremely intelligent, having created an intelligent being such as mankind and a world in which to populate with it.

Answer #18

As I’ve grown in my adulthood and faith, I have come to understand God this way:
God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus…hope this helps you also !!

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