I think ruined his marriage proposal to me

The other day my boyfriend and I got into a little fight about getting married. I was being mean and saying that he would never propose to me because he’s never going to be ready. I also told him that I wouldn’t get my hopes up anymore. After that he told me that he was actually going to propose to me on my birthday this year, which is in October. I feel like a complete idiot now. I think I’ve ruined it and it’s something that I want so bad… but now it’s no longer. We’ve talked about it more lately and he says he’d still do it but I don’t want to know when it’s going to happen. What do you think? Will he still really propose to me? I’m just so down about this because I feel like I’ve destroyed the one thing that I’ve wanted for so long. Is there something I should say to him?

Answer #1

Okay sure. I think you’ve stated enough of your opinion but thanks… I’ll do what I want.

Answer #2

Your only 17 years old. Whats the rush to get married?

Answer #3

You’ll have to keep us all posted in the coming years!

Answer #4

I say just drop the whole subject. Maybe if you stop talking about it - he will come up with a new date to ask you and a new idea for asking you also so you will still be suprised.

I wouldn’t worry about it too much though, we all make mistakes and that is not a big one. You were just voicing your concern like any other woman lol.

Answer #5

unfortunately I think you need to drop the topic and he will do it when he’s ready and when he wants to. theres no need to rush it. if it is meant to be, then he will propose and you guys can potnetially have something great. good luck!

Answer #6

The rush? There is no rush. Just because we become engaged does not mean we have to get married within a certain amount of time. Oh and FYI… we’ve been together for 2 and a half years. Some marriages don’t last that long. I think we’re in good enough terms to take our relationship further.

Answer #7

Whats wrong with a promise ring at your age? Why do you feel the need to be engaged ? Can’t you two just be together, wait it out for a few years, and then get engaged! It’s amazing how much you change between the late teens to the early 20’s. Don’t rush it.

The word engaged means that you’re literally planning a wedding. It means you’re picking out a dress, a date, a florist, and a reception hall. It means you’re very seriously considering marriage in the the near future and making plans for it.

Answer #8

I already have a promise ring and I have had it for over a year.

And I don’t know where your from but where I live, it’s okay to get engaged and not start planning a wedding immediately.

Answer #9

Then whats the point in being engaged if your not even planning a wedding?

It really doesnt matter where I’m from, because its NO different here! Practical reason: I think you should get engaged when a wedding is feasible, that is, when you can envision the wedding happening soon. Wait a couple of years until you’re more economically stable and have a better idea of where you want to go. If he’s the one, he’ll still be with you when you’re 21, 25, 40! so I don’t think there’s a need to rush things. Getting engaged at a young age usually holds more of a risk of breaking up, as younger people tend to be a bit more impulsive and are still becoming who they are.

Answer #10

sounds to me like you are more in love with the idea of marriage and bragging about being engaged than you are about your man. I met my fiance when I was 19 in college. I’m glad we didn’t jump into marriage when we were young because We both changed a lot, he settled down quicker than I did and there were some rough patches where I didn’t think we would make it(thank goodness for our great communication). Now that I’m 25 I can see my life more stable and ready for a solid commitment. I don’t think it’s how long you’ve been together, but more of a how old and mature you are. 2 years together when you are 17 doesn’t mean your marriage is just as likely to succeed as 2 years together when you are 27

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