I'm like bored here so I made some polls...


  1. you like hannah montana or selena gomez
  2. you prefer cats or dogs
  3. you like drama or gossip
  4. you like the sidekick or I phone
  5. math or social studies
  6. enrique iglesias or jonas bro
  7. you like ken-y

thnx a lot , oh if you don’t know who the people are look em up on google, chow! :)

Answer #1
  1. They’re both ok
  2. Dogs
  3. Drama
  4. iPhone
  5. Blah. Neither.
  6. Jonas Brothers but I like Enrique too :)
  7. Who?
Answer #2


  1. you like hannah montana or selena gomez - selena gomez
  2. you prefer cats or dogs - doggss .
  3. you like drama or gossip - drama .
  4. you like the sidekick or I phone - sidekickk . ( I have it ] !
  5. math or social studies - social studies . I hate mathh .
  6. enrique iglesias or jonas bro - jonas brotherss ( cutee ! ]
  7. you like ken-y - idkk who datt is .
Answer #3
  1. you like hannah montana or selena gomez? Selena gomez.
  2. you prefer cats or dogs? cats
  3. you like drama or gossip? drama!
  4. you like the sidekick or I phone? sidekick.
  5. math or social studies? social studies!
  6. enrique iglesias or jonas bro’s? Jobro’s
  7. you like ken-y? Who?
Answer #4
  1. Neither 2.dogs 3.Both can be hurtful 4.sidekick 5.social studies
  2. enrique iglesias
  3. What?
Answer #5
  1. none
  2. dogs
  3. gossip
  4. I phone
  5. math
  6. enrique
  7. nope he looks kinda cute but pretty wangsta looking lol
Answer #6
  1. selena gomez 2.dogs
  2. both
  3. sidekick
  4. social studies
  5. enrique
  6. don’t know hu he is…
Answer #7

look up pictures of ken-y on google, thnx !

Answer #8

heres me: Jennaffer, 1.selena gomez 2.dogs

  1. both 4.sidekick 5.math 6.enrique 7.luv him!
Answer #9
  1. neither
  2. cats (I like dogs too)
  3. neither, drama is stupid, and gossip is confusing
  4. sidekick
  5. social studies for sure (I dont like math and math dont like me!!) 6.neither
  6. sort of
Answer #10


  1. you like hannah montana or selena gomez none
  2. you prefer cats or dogs cats
  3. you like drama or gossip gossip
  4. you like the sidekick or I phone none
  5. math or social studies hate maths dont do social studies!
  6. enrique iglesias or jonas bro enrique obv
  7. you like ken-y duno hu he is
Answer #11

1)hannah montana 2)cats 3)gossip 4)I phone 5)social studies 6)enrique iglesias

  1. no
Answer #12


  1. selena gomez
  2. both
  3. gossip
  4. sidekick
  5. social studies
  6. neither
  7. never heard of him.
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