Should I still talk to him?

You really don’t have enough liquor for this but… I was living with P for 5 years and we have been through a lot, I mean a lot.. Him cheating, jobless, stress, lying, girls calling at all hours, drugs, but the kicker was when he had another baby out of our relationship. I couldn’t take it anymore and asked him to leave. I finally poured out my emotions to someone I meant and we hit it off. He was going through his thang and I through mine but I told him I didn’t want to cause stress in HIS household. To make a long story short, The old man barged in on me and V after a night of drinking. Neither one of us were in any condition for a fight but that’s what happened. Now V after a month of stress and a lot of crying V wants to be with me, But he wants me to move, his words were,” I’m not dealing with you if you live there”. It was like he was driving me to move yesturday. P wants to work it out, now all of a sudden he can’t deal without me. I told P that there was nothing left, I couldn’t be him, I never like his family and his children (7 in all) I can’t deal with ( mind you he only deals with two of them). I know I can never go back to P, but talking hasn’t been that bad. V went back to live with his girlfriend becasue she couldn’t afford the place without him, and plus V didn’t have any real place to go. He has been bouching from home to home. I told V I understood and that I know it would take time but if he wanted it to work it will. Am I fooling my self? can I really have an honest realtionship with V? Will P just leav it alone? I feel like jumping off along cliff.

Answer #1

My advice, and trust me, its from personal experience, is this:

Both V and P, though most likely very promising and loving at the start, have both dropped the ball. Obviously in more ways than one, and many times. You are answering your own question here by asking your last few. If there’s doubt, get out. What have either of these two, druggie, jobless, cheating, irresponsible, breeding machines have to offer you? P will not just up and leave you alone, nor will he magically become Mr. Prince Charming, find a wonderful job, clean up his act, stop having sex with various women and conceiving children, etc etc etc. V, is cheating on his girlfriend, making you the other woman. What makes you think he’ll not cheat on you? You are getting used by both of these men who know how to push your buttons and keep you chasing them around like a love sick puppy. I don’t mean that meanly, but you know deep in your heart that it’s true.

You seem like an intelligent woman, and intelligent women know better that to be with complete losers. They think, however, that they are smart enough, pretty enough, loving enough, to change them. Well that’s where smart women are completely not smart. You can not change a man, EVER. After five years P is not in any way going to change. So why is he freaking out now, wanting you so badly? Because he knows, or figures, you will give him another, 100th chance. You’ve done it a million times before, why wouldn’t you this time? You have created a situation of convenience for him. You give him love, a place to live, help support him, and he screws around behind your back having all the fun because he knows you’ll just take him back again. Give this guy the boot, and move on girl, he is not worth it!!

V knows your history with P, so he too knows what he can expect from you. Don’t be the “other woman”, like there have been so many other women within you and P’s relationship. Pack up, move on, and cut your ties. I know that none of that is easy, but you will move on, you will get over all of this and you will meet someone worth every ounce of your time, and who deserves every bit of you. But this will never, ever happen if you don’t break the cycle. I promise you, YOU WILL LIVE LIKE THIS UNTIL THE DAY YOU DIE UNLESS YOU BREAK THIS CYCLE.

I wish you the best of luck, I know how difficult all of this is, but you are worth it, you owe it to yourself to stop this.

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