How do you transfer digital fotos from documents to web pages?

How do you transfer a digital picture from a picture file to web a page?

Answer #1

What web page okey?

The picture file must be transferred to the websites www-server. Then tre pic must be made visible by the website designer.

Some websites - where they want users to upload pictures - leave the ‘transfer’ to you and do the ‘make visible’ part automatically. They have an ‘upload’ button. You can click upload. You get a dialog window, you search your folders for the picture file. You clock OK. Done.

If they dont have that button, see if there’s any contact e-mail adress (a webmaster e-mail adress) and ask them if you can conrtibute your picture.

Or are you designing your own page? If you do, learn html (google for selfhtml, you’ll get a good instruction for howto design websites).

bye the sheep

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