How do I publish my own book?

How do I publish my own book? I have a small book I wrote that contains many short stories. My dream is to get it published so I can make millions and buy and sell those around me that doubted me. I don’t care if it is an ebook or a paper book. I just want to know how to get things rolling so I can start lording my cash over the haters.

Answer #1

There are a few companies that will help you self publish - check out,,, and That will get you started. Also look into obtaining an ISBN number as that will help.

That’s all I can think of, perhaps somebody else has more info…Good luck.

Answer #2

I know a friend that did it through

Answer #3

I’ve got d same prob, but mine contains poems not short stories

Answer #4

My advise: Self Publishing Is Death! And Lulu stopped paying it’s writers!

This is pretty much step by step advice if you want to be successful.

When you write your book and it’s all shiny perfect, plot is tied off, and you’re grammar error free you start trying to sell it. You have to look for what’s called an agent, as 90% of pubs will not take an unsolicited manuscript. You have to find an agent who deals in the genre of fiction you write. When you find one who does then you write what’s call a query letter. If you’re lucky, they will say they want to see the first and last chapter, or the first five chapters and the last chapter, or any which way the want a sample.

Then the agent will call you up and say one of four things; I do not think there is a market for this, sorry this sucks and goodbye, you need to fix something, or I will be submitting your work to an editor at this publishing house. You are more likely to get the first 3. Stephen King still get rejected 90% of the time.

Then you have to wait on the editor. The editor will say it’s filled with error fix it or pay me $3000-8000 to do it, or he will say no he doesn’t want it, or he will call your agent to say he’s sent it down to marketing.

Then marketing makes the final call. If marketing doesn’t think it fits the company your agent will start over with another publishing company. If market like it they will send it press and tell you it better sale 5,000 copies.

This take about 6 months to a year, so don’t get discourage. I had a book in circulation for almost 6 years before it was bought.

It helps to give away your work at first to show how good of a writer you are. But remember this. Publishing is easier in this since. This message is published. If you mail a story to yourself, it’s published. If you put a story out on the internet, it’s published and no one else will buy it. So never post your work on the internet if you want to make more than 10 dollars later off of it.

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