How can we dream future occurances?

Sometimes I dream insignificant things that actually happen. I know that the same thing happens to other people but how is it scientifically possible humans do that?

Answer #1

You could be imagining dreaming about an event moments before your brain processes the event. This is deja vu.

Or, your brain could be guessing what is going to happen in your life and on the odd chance it gets it right. I mean, how many times do you dream? On some occasions what happens in your dream might be similar to something happening in real life. Your brain fills in the gaps and you think that you have “seen the future”.

Hope this helps :)

Answer #2

Uhm because the things you dream have probably occured at some point in time (making them likely to occur again) Or you have a fertile imagination

Answer #3

Nothing emeja says is true. I have had many dreams come true. I dream about my son being born with cancer, my cousin going on a camping trip and drowning, ect I have dreams that have saved lives including my sons when the doctor insisted his lump was swollen blood vessels and my dream saves him by me insisting it be removed. I’m not sure why some of us dream the future but yes it happens. Consider it a gift from.God and take them seriously.

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