How can I get rid of my belly

How can I be fiit ? I have this huge belly that I cnt get rid of it Help pls some tips

Answer #1

When I Was Uncomfortable With Myself I Started Doing Vicky Entwistle’s Weight Off Workout. Its Under A Hour Long And Its Split Into 4 Sections So You Can Gradually Do More And More.. It Worked For Me :)

Answer #2

Crunches, crunches, and more crunches. Most workout routines have you rotate between working on arms, legs, shoulders, etc but the one thing I find common with trainers is that they say to work on your abs everyday, by doing sit-ups. It is a process that takes dedication but the results if you keep at it consistently will help.

Also, watch what you eat. If you do many crunches and then eat many fattening foods, this will cancel out your hard work at exercising. And drink A LOT of WATER:)

Answer #3

I had big belly before, but now it is real small. I don’t know why. I guess probably I worked out improperly at the gyms and I drank a lot of water every 2 or 3 minutes between my excercise that made my belly bigger and bigger. After I quit going to the gym because my time is not allowed to continue my workout, my belly has been getting smaller and smaller.

Answer #4

start by doing a small amount of sit-ups a day, and gradually add 1 as you go.

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