How can I lose weight fast but healthy?

im 14 and im 5’2-3 and i weight 103+ pounds and i’ve been unhappy about my weight for quite a time! i dn’t want to just stop eating because i no that im going to end up eating a whole chocolate bar in the end and then put on more the healthier way sounds like it will last longer? But i tried to eat healthy once and it didn’t really work i only eat fruit and salid (because thtz healthy) and it wasn’t filling me up so i ended up eating loadz of oreo’s.

please can you help me lose weight the healthy way but can it at least fill me up a bit!!

Answer #1

You weight is fine! but if you truly want to lose weight then you can eat salads and if you have weight watchers products it helps alot and you can lose weight fast.

Answer #2

ah big gyuls need lovin too.

Answer #3

You can eat any fruits and veggies. It doesn’t always have to be a salad. Eating some fiber foods is a healthy way to lose weight also. whole grains, always fills me up. But not too much! For Protein stick to the fish, turkey and chicken only. Stay away from all greasy and bad sugar you’ll be super healthy and lose some weight for sure. and 60 mintues of extercise everyday is good enough. These are some of the things that works for me.

Hope this works for you Good luck! :)

Answer #4

Many people hate the idea of rigid diets - the good news is that if follow the five proven weight loss tips below, you will lose weight easily.

The diet tips require no real willpower and can improve anyone’s diet and chances of healthy weight control.

  1. Drink Water

One of the most effective diet tips is to drink plenty of water. In fact, water is possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off.

Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and fending off dehydration that leads to hunger cravings. Water also provides the additional benefit of flushing out toxins from the body and keeping it hydrated.

Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush out waste. When you don’t drink enough water the liver that works to provide stored fat for energy also takes on the role of helping the kidneys eliminate waste and thus becomes less effective at metabolizing fat.

  1. Eat Breakfast

Many people believe one of the best diet tips is skipping breakfast, as it will help them lose weight, this is totally incorrect. Skipping breakfast can make you hungrier later in the day leading to distorted satiety signals (I.e. it’s hard to determine when you’re full). This can actually result in eating more as a result.

If you don’t have time to eat breakfast or don’t like to, at least have a liquid meal to fuel your body after sleeping and having no nutrition for several hours.

  1. Increase Fibre Intake

Eating lots of foods rich in fibre helps keep food moving through your bowels. Just like water, fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel full. In fact, the average person could lose around 10 pounds a year just from doubling their fiber intake.

High fiber foods are generally low in calories and fill you up, so eating more of them means you’re eating fewer calories and leaving less room for calories from other foods. Fiber also cuts calories by attaching itself to some of the other proteins and fats that you eat and eliminates them as well.

The average person consumes about 8g of fiber per day, but many experts recommend 25g. Start your day with a high fiber cereal and keep eating fibre throughout the day.

  1. Eat Healthy Fats

Many experts claim that fat causes obesity, raises your cholesterol and causes heart disease, but this is not strictly true. If fat is all that bad, why is it part of our natural diet chain? The reason is fat can be very good for you.

Fat provides the body with essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) needed for normal reproduction and growth, as well as for production of prostaglandin, a hormone like compound that regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation.

When eating fats you should eat healthy fats. Eating “healthy” fats includes the cold-water fish, mackerel and salmon, nuts, and olive oil. By eating healthy fats over unhealthy ones you will lose weight.

  1. Lean Protein

Protein is a great weight control tool because of the immediate satiety factor and because it keeps you full for longer periods. It also balances out carbs by preventing insulin spikes that can lead to a drain in energy and sugar cravings.

Protein also helps maintain muscle mass, which is very important in the fat burning process. At least 20% of calories should be in the form of protein.

Many people hate the idea of rigid diets - the good news is that if follow the five proven weight loss tips below, you will lose weight easily.

One of the best ways to lower pressure is to lose weight if you are overweight. Weight loss reliably brings pressure down. Cut way back on salt. That means avoiding salty foods, like most commercial soups and luncheon meats.

Adopt the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet. I’ve mentioned it many times. It works. In short, it is a diet that stresses whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The diet requires people eat four or five servings of both fruits and vegetables every day. That sounds a bit much, but it really isn’t. A fruit serving is an apple or a pear or a quarter-cup of dried fruit. A vegetable serving is a half-cup of cooked vegetables or a cup of leafy vegetables.

The diet also calls for seven grain servings a day. Examples of one grain serving are a slice of whole-grain bread, a half-cup of rice or a half-cup of dry cereal.

Keep meat and poultry to a minimum — only two servings a day. A serving is 3 ounces, about the size of a deck of cards.

Finally, and this you’ll like, eat a third-cup of nuts four or five times a week.

These weight loss tips are so simple yet so powerful that one tip alone could be worth your whole weight loss.

These weight loss tips will blend in with you daily life. When you implement these weight loss tips you will only be making small unnoticeable changes in your life.

These tips are created using the basics of weight loss and they work for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Before I lay down the tips, I would like to cover the basics of weight loss in a few words.

Your weight loss is mainly based on two parameters

  1. The total number of calories you consume, and
  2. The total number of calories you burn.

In short, you can say that Weight loss = Calories Burnt – Calories Consumed.

So, in order to lose weight, you will have to either increase the number of calories you burn or decrease the number of calories you consume. When you burn 3,500 calories more than you consume, you lose 1 pound of pure fat.

Since our bodies have certain limits, you have to consume at least certain minimum number of calories every day. And for the same reason you cannot burn more than certain number of calories per day.

In order to achieve a healthy and guaranteed weight loss, you have to have a balance between the two parameters.

And these weight loss tips in this web site will achieve such balance and help you in your weight loss journey. They will help you in reducing the number of calories you consume, without going hungry or becoming weak, and increase the number of calories you burn without making you tired or sore. Anyone knows that any fat person would do anything to change his appearance,in one way or another.My first tip to lose weight fast is:don’t be discouraged in achieving your goal,you can do everything you set your mind to if you really want it and stay focused on this every day.

Don’t lose any more time stressing yourself,just do something as I did and succeeded.I had moments in which I was very discouraged but they proved not to be good as well,they just got me some steps back in achieving what I desired.

I searched a lot on the internet,for as many tips as possible,and checked every little website that had something to tell me about losing weight without regaining it.

After two years of searching and testing programs I can tell you that there are some programs that really work if you respect them strictly.

I can tell you some simple tips to lose weight fast that will help you:

Always try to include two fruits or vegetables in every meal or snack.You will feel fuller and cut back of calories from other foods.

You’ll be less likely to overeat later in the day if you have a good breakfast.Eating a good breakfast to start your day will supply your body with the energy needed to get started,and accelerates the calorie consumption metabolism by about 15%, especially if you are incorporating a early morning fitness program into your day.

Snack every 4 hours ,try oranges, apples, pretzels, string cheese,and eat at regular intervals.

Divide your plate 3/4 with vegetables, grains, beans and fruit, 1/4 with extra-lean meat or low-fat dairy products.

Drink water because a glass every one to two hours will keep you full.

Eat slowly.If you read about the French Paradox, which discusses why the French eat a lot of fatty food, but are a leaner society than that of the United States,it’s because they eat very slowly and take meals very seriously.

Cut 100 calories a day replacing that candy bar with an orange and banana and lose a pound in a month.

Eat more less processed food,try eating potato instead of chips, whole-wheat bread instead of doughnuts.

Don’t taste while cooking or nosh from the serving bowl.

Limit alcohol to special occasions. Not only it has many calories(same as fat),it also stimulates appetite and it diminishes willpower.

Try a new food every day. The flavor will save you from dietary boredom.

Eat spicy.Get a hot flavor boost with chilies, salsa and curry instead of overeating.Try to sweeten with spice. Add spices like cinnamon and vanilla instead of sugar to desserts.

Don’t even open the menu. Resist the temptation just ordering some steamed vegetables or something else like a grilled chicken salad or a soup and salad combo.

Try an herbal supplement to help reduce your appetite and give you more energy.

These simple tips will surely help you lose weight fast if you respect them strictly.I also found some good programs that work but I am momentary respecting this fast weight loss tips strictly and I maintain my weight very well,I keep fit and I also feel great!

Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called ‘wonder diets’ she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Anyone knows that any fat person would do anything to change his appearance,in one way or another.My first tip to lose weight fast is:don’t be discouraged in achieving your goal,you can do everything you set your mind to if you really want it and stay focused on this every day.

Don’t lose any more time stressing yourself,just do something as I did and succeeded.I had moments in which I was very discouraged but they proved not to be good as well,they just got me some steps back in achieving what I desired.

I searched a lot on the internet,for as many tips as possible,and checked every little website that had something to tell me about losing weight without regaining it.

After two years of searching and testing programs I can tell you that there are some programs that really work if you respect them strictly.

I can tell you some simple tips to lose weight fast that will help you:

Always try to include two fruits or vegetables in every meal or snack.You will feel fuller and cut back of calories from other foods.

You’ll be less likely to overeat later in the day if you have a good breakfast.Eating a good breakfast to start your day will supply your body with the energy needed to get started,and accelerates the calorie consumption metabolism by about 15%, especially if you are incorporating a early morning fitness program into your day.

Snack every 4 hours ,try oranges, apples, pretzels, string cheese,and eat at regular intervals.

Divide your plate 3/4 with vegetables, grains, beans and fruit, 1/4 with extra-lean meat or low-fat dairy products.

Drink water because a glass every one to two hours will keep you full.

Eat slowly.If you read about the French Paradox, which discusses why the French eat a lot of fatty food, but are a leaner society than that of the United States,it’s because they eat very slowly and take meals very seriously.

Cut 100 calories a day replacing that candy bar with an orange and banana and lose a pound in a month.

Eat more less processed food,try eating potato instead of chips, whole-wheat bread instead of doughnuts.

Don’t taste while cooking or nosh from the serving bowl.

Limit alcohol to special occasions. Not only it has many calories(same as fat),it also stimulates appetite and it diminishes willpower.

Try a new food every day. The flavor will save you from dietary boredom.

Eat spicy.Get a hot flavor boost with chilies, salsa and curry instead of overeating.Try to sweeten with spice. Add spices like cinnamon and vanilla instead of sugar to desserts.

Don’t even open the menu. Resist the temptation just ordering some steamed vegetables or something else like a grilled chicken salad or a soup and salad combo.

Try an herbal supplement to help reduce your appetite and give you more energy.

These simple tips will surely help you lose weight fast if you respect them strictly.I also found some good programs that work but I am momentary respecting this fast weight loss tips strictly and I maintain my weight very well,I keep fit and I also feel great!

Alberta McKain is nutritionist woman who used to be fat. After testing tens of so-called ‘wonder diets’ she decided to create a Weight Loss Programs Review Website, containing a top of the 3 best programs with a brief description about their features and benefits.

Until very recently I was an ‘unknown.’ Nobody but a few friends knew who I was or what I had done. Even though I knew I had stumbled on the most powerful weight loss solution to hit North America in decades, I pretty much kept to myself..

..and I kept my secret to myself.

Why? Think about it. If you came across something that made you feel more special and more confident than everyone around you.. something that most people would jump all over if they could.. would you share it openly with the world? Probably not.

I never really wanted to tell anyone that I had ‘found the solution,’ because I wanted to just keep my mouth shut, continue looking great with this powerful natural fat burner, and keep the pounds dropped off my figure and the inches off my waist.

And that’s exactly what I did for many years. (Can you blame me?)

But losing weight wasn’t always so easy for me.

Answer #5

Your weight is fine. You absolutely should not be trying to lose weight. Losing weight at your size could be dangerous to your health. So you should focus on maintaining your weight and staying healthy.

Fruits and vegetables don’t really fill me up either. You can pair them whole grain bread or pasta though. They’re healthy and filling.

Another healthy alternative is meatless products. There are meatless burgers, corn dogs, sausage links, etc. They’re pretty filling, good for you, and don’t have the saturated fat that real meat has.

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