how old to get a Hip piercing without an adult?

How old do you have tto be to get a hip piercing without and adult

Answer #1

Ah, I’m getting my hips done next week.

But, in Canada you have to be 16, and in America the age is 18. If you live close enough to the border, you can come across if you are 16 or older and they will pierce you whether or not you live in the country.

Not sure about Europe…

Hip piercings almost indefinitely reject though, just FYI.

Answer #2

Hip what the f*ck

Answer #3

18 and make sure you go to a professional cause thats a piercing that is very prone to migration. so make sure you get it done right cause really it is an adorable piercing

Answer #4

ok im in canada so

Answer #5

any piercing is 18 without a guardian or adult present. a hip piercing!? wow I’ve never heard of that before!! =]

Answer #6

here in alaska you have to be 18.

Answer #7

I live in ontario, and here we only have to be 16.

Answer #8

what the HELL is a hip piercing??? lol =D

Answer #9

hip? piercing? what the heck?

Answer #10

Im pretty sure that any professional will require you have adult consent for any type of body piercing.

Answer #11

I think to get any piercing without an adult you haveto be 18 atleast in california you do

Answer #12

Most likely 18.

Answer #13

look it up on google

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