Help With History Please!

Okay so Guys… serious help needeed~~ Can any war be called a “just war” and is the common, patriotic explanation of America’s participation in World War II as being “just” correct? EXPLAIN.

I have no freeaking idea how to answer this question :’(

Answer #1

thanx smith :D

Answer #2

That’s a tough question, and it sounds like the answer is based on opinion.

So here’s how I see it…

I don’t think war can be considered “just”, in terms of the war itself, however, when the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, a war may be called to order. Consider events in WWII - the ill treatment of the Jews meant that some sort of defense had to be put into place to help them. They had little resources of their own to save themselves and had to rely on what other people felt was “just”. When America entered that war, it was not to take over, it was to defend and that makes it “just”.

Answer #3

If I recall correctly, the US didn’t enter the 2nd WW until the bombing of Pearl Harbour - an act of war by an unfriendly nation towards the US. Until then, the US was keeping things at arms length. As far as a war being “Just a war,” there is no such thing. Every war kills people, and every war is unique. Good luck with your paper.

Answer #4

I dont really understand the question but I think its asking if any war that happens can be a right and correct thing to do kinda war and I think the secon dpart is asking if it was right of us to participate in ww11 but im not sure

Answer #5

oh wow!! thank you guys soo much!

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