Persuade my mom to get me a hamster?

How can I persuade my mom to get me a hamster I’ve got a dog but id love a hamster. My mum say they smell but I would definately clean it after school and stuff. Well I was close to winning but my godmother came round and said they smell grr! She said get fish but they died a day later we went through 8 fish! How can I persuade her!!!

Ppplllzzz help me

Answer #1

Show great responsibility and tell your them you will take care of your hamster(s) and make a promise that you will take care of your pets.

Answer #2

Not all hamsters smell. You can get odor control litter- which masks the smell of poop and such that a hamster makes. Suggest this. Tell her you will change the cage every day and scoop out dirtied litter so the hamster has clean living place every day.. if she still says no.. respect her answer. My mom said no for along time then when I prooved I was responsible I got one for my B-day.

Answer #3

They really don’t smell…and they don’t smell at all, if you keep the cage clean…

Remind her that they don’t shed, either…:)


Answer #4

Well if you kept it in your room would it matter if it smelt?

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