How can my friend train himself to wake up LATER?

It’s been bred into him to wake up at like, 6 AM, and he hates it. He can’t sleep in EVER. How can he train himself to wake up later?

Answer #1

:/ awh</3 –Uhm! try to get him to stay up super late,till like 4am and then go to sleep? That might help :/ trying hard not to apper useless here :P

Answer #2


Answer #3

Well, I think it all depends on how late he goes to bed. If he sleeps at like 9pm, it’s only natural that he’d be waking up THAT early. If he does want to sleep in, he will have to shift his sleeping cycle for sure and go to bed later.

With that being said, is he absolutely SURE that he wants to change it? Because although I understand wanting to sleep in, it will be extremely difficult for him to change his sleep pattern back to normal when he actually needs to get up at 6am.. He’ll be too used to staying up late and sleeping in. o_O So he’ll be really tired when he tries changing back.

Answer #4

well stay up a bit later then in the morning stay in bed and try and go back to sleep, in time your body will get used to sleeping in

Answer #5

my bf wakes up every morning at 530ish to go to work and he used to wake up at 6ish on weekend but now i have got him to sleep in till like 8 9 it just takes time for your body clock to adjust

Answer #6

Simple go to sleep later, the more exhausted the body is the more rest it’s going to require to function. Tell him to go to sleep really late, if he wakes up at 6 tell him to not go back to sleep for the rest of the day and to repeat that process, eventually the body will force him to sleep in, and if he continues the process he can change his entire sleep routine.

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