What's your favorite kind of pie?

Whats everyone’s favorite kind of pie(s)? I’d love some pie ideas, I love food and sometimes its a wonder what to have for dessert or lunch, or dinner for that matter, so, what are some nice pies?

Answer #1

My favorites is cherry or apple pie. Since I’m from Michigan I like my apple pie with a slice of cheese instead of a la mode (its a Michigan thing but I’ll bet if you try it you will like it).

Answer #2

apple period

Answer #3

chicken and mushroom pies from the bakery in the town I grew up in. They rule !! :)

Answer #4

Pumpkin pie all the way. And I can make some damn good ones. Mmmm.

Answer #5

i love ice cream sundae cake!! its the easiest thing in the world but it is so yummy!

Answer #6

my favorite kind of pie is lemon.

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