Difference between Conservatives and Liberals?

What are the main views and differences of Conservitives and Liberals? What are they and what are you?

Answer #1

This is a broad generalization (there are differences within the parties too…)

Dems: Higher minimum wage Affordable health care for all (some are calling for universal health care) Equal opportunity for all Americans regardless of sex, age, race, sexual orientation, religion, creed, or national origin (which means most dont have an issue with giving gay people equal rights, divisions on the marriage issue though) Support access to birth control, and sex education in schools Abortion to be “safe, legal” Support for stem cell research with federal funding. Oppose the doctrine of unilateralism, which dictates that the United States should use military force without any assistance from other nations whenever it believes there is a threat to its security or welfare Opposed to use of torture Focus on crime prevention (as opposed to punishment) Believe in various gun control measures… Believe social services are important, and are for social security, welfare etc…

Reps: Law is the province of the legislature and that judges should not “legislate from the bench Greater limitations placed upon federal power and a larger role reserved for the States. Favor a free-market, policies supporting business Believing in limiting social services (like welfare) to prevent it from being abused Generally do not favor labor unions Believe strict environmental standards hurt businesses (some are skeptical about global warming) Do not support gay marriage or gay people in the army Oppose abortion Religious wing tends to support organized prayer in public schools and the inclusion of teaching creationism or intelligent design alongside evolution. Some members actively oppose the federal funding of embryonic stem cell Supports unilateralism in issues of national security, believing in the ability and right of the United States to act without external or international support in its own self-interest.

Answer #2

Hi there,

Just for reference, in case you don’t know, conservative = Republican, liberal = Democrat (here in America).


Answer #3

Well, the difference between conservatives and liberals, is that us as conservatives believe in limited government, lowering taxes, reducing spending, free market solutions, keeping the economy going, winning wars, standing up to what we believe, etc. And, for liberals, they are so anti Bush, they are for nationalized health care, higher taxes, big government, amnisty for elegal Imigrants, pulling out of Iraq, and serendering, being friends with our enemies, naive about our national security, and extremely left wingers. I’m conservative and, will always be. I was raised with adoptive parents who happen to be republican and very conservative themselves so, I try to follow there footsteps. In fact, awhile, back, I asked my mom who she was voting for, and, she is voting for MCaine. So, I hope I gave you some differences.

Answer #4

“Ty you know you just posted all those things to make democrats look bad im not defending democrats im neutral but if your going to answer a quetion answer it don make some other people look bad”

As opposed to goodgirl124’s post, which portrays both sides fairly without a hint of bias?

Seriously, what in Ty’s post do you find slanted?

Answer #5

conservative = Republican, liberal = Democrat . and Ty you know you just posted all those things to make democrats look bad im not defending democrats im neutral but if your going to answer a quetion answer it don make some other people look bad

Answer #6

Conservatives look backwards, and Liberals look forward…

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