did Michael Jackson die?

did Michael Jackson die?

Answer #1

how did micheal die please answer me

Answer #2

I don’t know actually because today I read a news article that said he hired a body double and the body double died. But I don’t fully believe that. If it was Jackson they said there was a faint pulse.

Answer #3

To: dotlfunnyyy MJ was never convicted of any crime, so please stop the ignorance and treat him like he is. And dont feel sorry for him because he was a legend.. yOu should feel sorry for yourself, you are nobodya and never will be.

Answer #4

To: dotlfunnyyy MJ was not convicted of any crime.. so please dont be ignorant and talk about him that he is… And dont feel sorry for him… he made a mark in almost 5 generation’s lives and will still be making a mark in the following generation. You should feel sorry for yourself, you are nobody and never will be…

Answer #5

yes, it is true.

Answer #6

Yes he did die, it’s all over the news. They’re having a post mortan thing to see why he died but he had a heart attack and loads of things might of caused it.

Answer #7

yes, hes dead he died from a heart attack/cardiac arrest at the age of 50 this morning its been all over the news its beleived all the stress from rehearsing his 50th comeback concert show twice each day was what killed him

rest in peace Michael Jackson

Answer #8

yes he’s dead. :(


Answer #9

he wasn’t that old. Only like 49

Answer #10

yeah they showed on the news I googled it went to tmz.com so yeah

Answer #12

I asked like 15 people on facebook the samething, because everyones sayin he did. did he really? and how if he did??

Answer #13

Yup just turned on Tv he is dead

Answer #14

Yep, the King Of Pop is dead…

Answer #15

Yes he is dead! Its so sad …I mean I really liked his music…

Answer #16

Yeah I juse heard the news.

I take off my metaphorical hat. & glove

moment of silence


Answer #17

yeah doctors comfirmed it

Answer #18

it has just been confirmed, yes he is dead!

Answer #19

This is going to start a huge rumor,watch it get bigger by next week.

Answer #20

well I just heard hes not dead

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