Should I go to the hospital for my depression?

hola peeps kk im not sure how many of you know what its like being depressed or going into the hospital or nething but I was in the hospital 4 3 months 4 depresstion and im getting worse I dont know how to handle myself now like so should I ask my mom to put me back before I really do end up killing myself instead of fake atemts if you say no I shouldnt go back to the hospital can you help me on what I should do pleez and thank u

Answer #1

I’ve never been suicidal, but have been hospitalized for depression. If you need to be hospitalized, do it – but be VERY careful where you go. Bear in mind that the county mental health facilities are the lowest-paying, so they rarely get good quality counselors. Go to a good and reputable facility, preferably where ALL the counselors are psychiatrists and no social workers are employed there. Social workers are the lowest on the totem pole in the psychiatric field. If you are severely depressed, the wrong counselor could make you feel worse.

Answer #2

I know what it’s like and in previous posts I’ve made, I’ve also been hospitalized when I was younger. If you feel like you’re suicidal go let your mom know, it’s important. If you see a psychiatrist and or psychologist/therapist make sure YOU feel comfortable with them–it’s your right. The point of treatment is to make you feel better and cope with things both now and in the future, if you’re miserable with your doctors or therapists tell them you’d like to see another one; you’ll benefit from doing so in the end. As always, if you feel like you’re suicidal and you have a plan of intent, or you think you might harm yourself or others, call 911 right away. Be safe, good luck and godspeed! :-) -S

Answer #3

i’ve had serious depression issues before babby trust me i know where your coming from. not as severe as you because i never went in the hospital, but it seems that you obviously need to go back. if your noticing that your getting worse, and your thinking about suicide THAN TELL YOUR MOM. please,please do. you either save yourself, or you remain unsaved and this is one of those times where you need to save yourself. you dont seem like one of the many people who WANT to kill themselves, you just seem so depressed that your feeling like thats the only way out for you so do yourself a huge favor and do whats healthy for you. which in this case seems to be going back into the hospital. you will make it out of this too i promise, i went through 5-6 months of depression and didnt tell a soul or do anyhitng about it and i regret that so much because i probably could have came out of it sooner. im such a happy healthy person today and im sure that you will be able to live a normal, happy, content, life after this. just go get yourself some help hun. and if you’ve gotten to the point where your not holding on for yourself anymore, than do it for everyone else in your life who would be devestated if they lost you.

Answer #4

suicide is the worst tragedy.i think life can become worse but you can always go on.if you commit suicide it is going to bring some real problem to your family.if there are bad days then good days will come.if the situation is serious it is better to go to hospital.good luck

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