Can someone disprove God for me?

Can someone disprove the God of the Bible for me? You see people have tried for thousands of years with no success and I don’t think anyone can!

Answer #1

no, but I can help Prove God, Nothing finite can be infinite (eternal). Since the universe is made of finite things (matter, time, space), it therefor must be created by something without time (timeless), thus making it eternal. If it is eternal, it must be infinite, and if its the Creator, it must be God.

The universe changes, and time is the measure of change. How many changes have happened before right now? If you claim an infinite number of changes (which is impossible because you can not have an infinite amount of finite things), it is a logically impossible to conclude we could ever have reached this moment in time. In a world of cause and effect (which we live in), there can not be an infinite regress (an infinite amount of cause and effect reactions to get to a certain cause).

Allow me to rephrase. Imagine that the Earth orbits the sun every 365 days (it does). Now, on Mars, a year is much longer than an Earth year, being 687 Earth days (basically double). So, for every 2 years of Mars, Earth has circled the sun approximately 4 times. Now, imagine that this has been going on for eternity. By your logic, they would both have circled the sun the exact same amount of times, because its been going on forever (this is clearly impossible). This shows the impossibility of an infinite regress, whereby there could not have been an infinite amount of (x) before right now, in a finite universe based on time.

Now, back to God. God exists outside of time, in Eternity. God created time, and time is irrelevant to Him. God is Eternal, not created. Firstly, you have 2 choices; either everything came from nothing (which is impossible), or something always existed and created us. You have no other choice. Take a moment to think about that, remembering that it can not exist in time, that would be impossible. Time can not be eternal.

This thing that always existed would be considered Eternal, having transcended time, space, and matter, being everlasting, having always existed. If you argue this is impossible, I would argue the contrary; it is impossible for this Eternal ‘thing’ to not exist, because the alternative is that nothing existed, which could only produce nothing. So, something always existed, and is therefor Eternal.

Now, for something to be Eternal, it can not consist of time, because time must have had a beginning. We exist in a universe of causality, so an infinite regress is impossible; there could not have been an infinite amount of time before right now, because we never would have reached this moment in time. That means time had a beginning, and whatever created time exists without time, beyond time, in timelessness; Eternity.

So, this Eternal Creator, created time, and the universe. This Eternal Creator clearly is extremely powerful, because the energy of the trillions of stars in the known universe were created by this Creator. And obviously, the Creator is extremely intelligent, having created an intelligent being such as mankind and a world in which to populate with it.

Answer #2

That didn’t prove anything… as usual… except that you have to copy & paste OTHER people’s words, to argue YOUR beliefs… poorly…

Answer #3

“All powerfull has zero restrictions and can do anything, by deffinition.”

I also defined God as omnibenevolent, in addition to being omniscient and omnipotent. An all powerful, malevolent God would have no moral restrictions. We did not define God that way. If he exists, he must be perfect and morally good. Otherwise, he is not a deity, simply a more powerful life form. Basically God is powerful enough to bring a universe into existence according to his perfect standard, he knows how to bring such a universe into existence, and he would want to. If he knows how to do a thing, is able to do it, and wants to do it, how could he not do it? The universe in its current form could not exist if such a God exists.

“If God is all powerful, of course he could choose to allow our what is happening on earth.”

If he is omnibenevolent AND omnipotent, not only could he not and would not choose to allow this, he would use his power to stop it. That’s where you missed my point.

“When we talk about God being all good, we must understant that he then is the very standard of what good is and means, so we therefore we have no right to judge him and call what he does not good.”

Basically, you’re saying it’s not possible to define “good” or “moral” or “perfect” independently of God merely because he is the essence of those things. That’s tautology, and it is flawed reasoning.

Here’s the problem. If you say, “God is good, and God is the standard by which we judge what is good. How do we know God is good? Because God is the essence of good.” That tells us nothing unless we can know what is good independently of God. If I tell you, Bob is berfoshaz. That means nothing to you, but if I respond by saying Bob is defined as berfoshaz; he’s the essence of berfoshaz. Unless you can define berfoshaz independently of Bob, you have no way of accepting this information.

I think you would agree that non-theistic moral systems can exist. Otherwise, you would have no choice but to believe in God. If we can know what is moral independently, then we can certainly define God and know whether it’s possible for an omnibenevolent being to exist.

Answer #4

Wow look at all the Theophobics.

Answer #5

mjax1979— acording to your definition of God being all knowing and all powerful, you refute your own argument. If you say that the definition of God is all powerful and then say that He CAN’T exist in or with an imperfect world, then you simply refute yourself. Tell me, “How can an all powerful God not live in or with anything he chooses?” Of course I am not trying to prove God here, I am just saying that your argument is flawed. All powerfull has zero restrictions and can do anything, by deffinition. Futhermore, just because we live in a fallen imperfect universe, does not neccessarily imply that a perfect being could not exist. I really don’t see how you can make that conection. If God is all powerful, of course he could choose to allow our what is happening on earth. When we talk about God being all good, we must understant that he then is the very standard of what good is and means, so we therefore we have no right to judge him and call what he does not good. Just because something bad happened does not mean that God did it. Of course you can believe that God is not all good, but that isn’t what we are talking about here because in your post your were refering to christian definition of God. On top of all this you still seem to be missing the point about the impossibility of a universal negative in this instance. Once again, Im not trying to prove God here, just some bad reasoning.

Answer #6

“You can claim that there is evidence that God does not exist but you cannot actually prove it.”

If we define God as the most perfect possible being, all-knowing and all-powerful, then it is not possible for such a being to exist in a universe that is anything less than perfect. Since our universe is clearly not perfect, such a God cannot exist.

The only alternative for theists is to accept that if a god does exist, he or she or it is not all-powerful, not perfect, and not all-knowing. This god is simply a more powerful form of being than humans, and not actually a deity.

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say God is perfect and all-powerful, and then say humans have the free will to make decisions which God cannot or does not want to change. Either God is all-powerful and all-pure, fully in control of everything and everything is perfect as a result, or God is less than perfect, and is not really God.

Therefore, your God does not exist.

Answer #7

you can’t prove Or disprove him…

but I don’t see what the bit deal about proof is anways… its ALL about FAITH

Answer #8

damn youve stumped me I mean how can I disprove god? except for these facts I have nothing!: no ones ever truly seen any god or goddess (youre better off saying fonzie is a god because at least he has a physical appearance)

nearly every god or goddess was born on the same day (december 25;of a virgin),was crucified,made miracles happen,were teachers,the list goes on and on…

the only people to have ‘proof’ of jesus christ were massively religious,they used no factual evidence

the word ‘jesus’ is a title meaning

every religion is laced back to paganistic figures… for example the number 12 is repeated throughout the bible (12 people at the last dinner,born on the 12th month of the year) and there is 12 constellations

jesus christ represents the age of Pisces or the fish

the representations of ‘2 fish’ is everywhere in your sacred bible

hint hint the ‘jesus fish’ bumper stickers?

now the age after Pisces is ‘the water bearer’,Aquarius “Luke 22:10:[when asked what will happen when he leaves,jesus says,] Behold when ye are entered into the city,there a man shall meet you BEARING A PITCHER OF WATER…follow him into the house where he entereth in…”

after the age of Pisces,or Jesus Christ,comes the age of Aquarius!

now we all know there were many things that were rewritten in the bible… current bible: “Matt 28:20: I will be with you even to the end of the world”

the way it was written was “Matt 28:20: I will be with you even to the end of the AGE”

see a relation?!

well all though I could go on forever here…I wont so what im trying to say is that EVERY god is an interpretation of the sun and Paganistic practices!

so youre better off saying that ALL of the gods (that means Muslims,america!)are real and as we have seen… no one will be stating that any time soon

if you want more ‘proof’ of this, then ask me

so yes it seems youve stumped me! of course god exists! after all it was him that wrote this novel trillions of years ago…right?

Answer #9

the answer you seek is in your heart.

Answer #10

god is not real you adam and eve thing well they found human skeletons older then them also all that crap about him making the sun and stuff a lie because astroids that combined and all that junk made the sun and beside the earth used to be all god is not real unless you spell dog backwards god dog see lol oh and satin is fake to

Answer #11

“because of course you can’t prove there is no God. If you could that would be a universal negative.”

The existence of the universe itself could be considered proof there is no God, if we define God as the most perfect possible being that can exist.

Answer #12

“It’s a shame that what you spent good time/effort in typing up won’t even be read by those who demand such proofs.”

That happens all the time on this site.

Answer #13

randall: Can you disprove the verruca gnome for me? Nobody has ever succeeded, so he must be real. I see him out of the corner of my eyes sometimes, sneaking around, giving people verrucas.

Answer #14

Has anyone SEEN this god you speak of? NOPE

why do you beleave in the bastard? because if you do, you get everlasting life and eternal happiness!

what a load of crap.

Answer #15

I can prove that Pepsi is God.

Gold is $. $ is power. God is all powerful. Silence is golden. Pepsi is Silent. Pepsi is God.

Answer #16

No, but I CAN disprove the bible But then again if you disprove the bible which is God’s word. So, depending on which God you believe in, wouldn’t that be disproving God because it’s supposedly his word though it wasn’t written till the 1700’s taken by varies books written at varies time by none other’s than your’s truly, man! Science has disproven the bible over & over again. So I guess, yes & no, depending how closley you follow the bible. But here’s a question, Can you prove him wthout reffering to religous tex of the bible? & please don’t say “Oh look around you, he’s proof in all that you see” That’s not proof. Scientiest have found the smoking gun of the big bang.

Answer #17

I really do not see how “the existence of the universe itself can be considered proof there is no God” How do you figure. Prove it to me. Even if every atom in the whole world had a tiny inscription on it. “There is no God” this would not be sufficient proof to that fact. You cannot prove that something does not exist. God, Unicorns, Bugs Bunny. Unless you know all and have a view of every atom in the universe all at the same time, basicly infinate wisdom combined with omnipresence, you cannot disprove God. You can claim that there is evidence that God does not exist but you cannot actually prove it.

Answer #18

By the way, Jello, your answer was most unhelpful because you arogantly and ignorantly assume no one has seen God. You completely undermine many peoples accounts and testimonies of seeing God. Just because you havn’t and people you know havn’t claimed to there are many people who have claimed this and there is no possible way to prove them wrong. Your anti God presupositions are cripling your answer. I am not trying to belitle you Jello and I am sure that you are a very smart, reasonable person, but I think your argument here needs help. Also nlocnil, your response contributes nothing to the question. I don’t believe and youv’e given me zero reason to.

Answer #19

randallgingerichf: Can you prove that Invisible Pink Unicorns do not exist? In fact I just thought up a whole religion based on IPUs. Invisible Pink Unicorns watch your every move and if you refuse to believe in them when you die you will spend eternity being impaled by their awful horns while those who do believe will get to spend eternity adoring and riding these mighty beasts.

Of course IPUs want you to send all of your money to me, the only living profit of Unicornism fillet-of-spam.

Prove it isn’t true!

Answer #20

The proof that he exists is all around us… If you think not, look in the mirror and ask yourself… how you could possibly the person that you are… without somekind of super intelligent force or power…

Do you think you just happened into existance, without any prior planning ?

I think a third grader, could figure that one out, unless their heads had already been filled with something other than the truth.

Answer #21

LOL I would like that one who says God has been proven to not exist show me lol and as far as science lol you need more than that to prove to me sorry but seems you are all blinded and just grasping at straws if you think god has been proven not to exist

Answer #22

Yeah… that seems to be forgotten easily.

Wow look at all the Theophobics.


Answer #23

Nice vulture. It’s a shame that what you spent good time/effort in typing up won’t even be read by those who demand such proofs.

Answer #24

you can prove God cause he is really, really real, and a special verse proves his very existance.

Answer #25

Nope… and they can’t PROVE god either…

Answer #26

religion should be something that you find and quietly nod your head in agreement at NOT something that should be thrown around,picked at,etc.

Answer #27

Lol! So thanks guys for the responses so far. Really I know the answer to this question and it is not something that bothers me, because of course you can’t prove there is no God. If you could that would be a universal negative. Impossible! If you could, that would make you God! I really just wanted to see the responses and if anyone would claim to have proof! ha ha! By the way has anyone heard of the transendental argument for the existence of God! I would be happy to share with someone.

Answer #28

* Can someone disprove the God of the Bible for me?

No. You have to be objective about it first.

But if you were, it would be trivially easy. After all, I’m sure you dismiss Zeus without demanding any evidence of his nonexistence at all. For those who look at Biblegod the same way, he’s just as ridiculous as Zeus.

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