Can jehovahs witnesses get industrial ear piecings

My parents are jehovahs whittnesses and I really want a industrial ear piecing. But problem is I dont know if they would let me get one…it might be against there beliefs or something.I don’t know I am willing to pay for it . I just need to know if they would let me. If not ways to pursued them to let me do it. Please help

Answer #1

I dont know what they feel about that. But jehovas witnesses follow rules made thousands of years ago and I doubt they made it when there kids would pop down to the piercing parlour to get something done!! I think it will just depend on their perosonal beliefs not that of their religion. just ask them. if youre over 16 you can get it done without consent anyway. good luck

Answer #2

it shd be ok :-)

Answer #3

I’m not sure how Jehovah Witnesses feel about piercings but, you could always check with them. If your parents are strong believers of the religion, I’d get their opinion on how they feel about you getting a piercing done. Or, better yet talk to the elders or whoever they are about that. Since Jehovah Witnesses have strict rules, you might want to get their permission. Otherwise, I’m not sure if getting piercings done are a sin to them or not since I’m not part of the religion. I know in my religion, piercings aren’t allowed. That goes for getting tattoos and such on our bodies. That’s for my religion. But, again, I don’t know about Jehovah Witnesses point of view on piercings.

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