
I am not pregnant. Although, Me and my partner are in the “maybe we should” stage. Most of my friends and family are feeding their babies formula. When I have children I would want to try breast feeding. Why does it seem like no one does it anymore? Anyone who has breast fed please give me some ideas as to why people wouldn’t want to?


Answer #1

thank you all for your great answers! I had no idea that breastfeeding helps to return a woman’s body back to normal! Definitely another great plus!

Answer #2

I breastfed all 3 of my children and loved every minute of it. Some women however do not like the idea of turning into a “cow”. Others just think it’s inconvenient. It’s a lot easier to feed your baby from a bottle in public. There is other women who want their bodies back (after 40 long weeks who wouldn’t?). If you can only breastfeed for a short time then think about investing in a breast pump that way you get the convenience of a bottle but your baby still gets “Natures perfect food”.

Above all else, stick with what YOU want. It’s your baby and you will know what’s best for her. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it or to tell you why formula is better. Breastmilk literally is Natures Perfect Food, it is made especially for YOUR baby and will give your baby all that he/she needs.

Good luck & best wishes

Answer #3

There are a ton of people that breastfeed. It’s the best thing to do for your baby. Although there are a lot of women who do not breastfeed, because they do not know what to expect or how to do it. They get scared they will not do it right or they will try and can’t seem to get it right so give up. The best advice about breastfeeding though is to have someone to help you if you do decide to breastfeed. When I had my little girl, I was scared of it at first. I had to pump. It hurts to use a breastpump. I had my baby early so I had to bring in my milk supply, and that is not fun at all. My breast were sore and hurt so bad. When you get done breastfeeding, the real fun starts. You get to enjoy the feeling of your boobs being extremely swollen and ache. Also, you will deal with the leaking. All the negative things with it though are worth it. Formula is no comparison to breastmilk for your baby.

Also, breastfeeding actually helps a woman recover faster from being pregnant.

Answer #4

Well two pluses your stomach return back to normal faster and the bond is great.

Answer #5

Breastfeeding is great, I did it for a while until I ran out. I eventually had to switch to formula as well. A lot of people don’t like doing it because it takes time and most folks are just to busy (sad) I think it’s a great idea to breastfeed. PLEASE stick with your first mind, it’s a great one!

Answer #6

Breastfeeding is great for your child, so its good you considering it, I tried with my son but he wouldn’t ‘latch’ on so I ended up giving him formula milk, my friends baby wouldnt latch on either as noone realised the tiny bit of skin under your tongue, well hers is really short and her toungue couldnt reach far enough up to latch on, so sometimes it’s not over our choice! Most people do formula milk just for convinience as of going back to work and leaving the child with family for a break!

Answer #7

Breastfeeding is the best for your baby. In pre-industrialized societies it is common for mothers to breastfeed their children until they are about 3. A worthy goal for most women is to shoot for 6 months-1year. Things can get complicated for young mothers who work. Even if you can not do it for long or if you have to suppliment with formula the more and longer you can give your baby the real thing the better.

Answer #8

I have 2 girls, 3 and 6 years old. I breastfed with both of them. it was hard to do at first, then I got used to it. its easier to do then get up in the middle of the night and heat a bottle. it helps shrink your stomach back to its normal size, and it gives you and your baby such an awesome bond. when its time to feed, its your “alone” time to enjoy your new baby.

Answer #9

Oh, it also helps your uterus return back to normal faster.

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