What black female celebrities are really hot today in black entertainment?

Not to be rude or racist which I am not why don’t we hear more about Black celebrity women i mean really attractive black young women in hollywood today? I try looking up to see if their are any black female celebrities that are around 18-25 and I can’t find any but when I look on BET channel I do see them but why don’t they talk about them in hollywood or on T.V? Like who are the hottest black female celebs of today that are around 18-25? Only one i can think of is Nicki Minaj..and I am talking about black female celebs that are just beautiful you never hear about like Toccara Jones. Could this be racism why hollywood does not talk more about black celebs more than white celebs?

Answer #1

Justin Beiber

Answer #2

… wth?

Answer #3

hahahahaha someones got beiber fever

Answer #4

If Beiber fever implies that when I hear his voice, I get sarcoidosis then you are correct…

Answer #5

haha >.< i dont understand all the fuss over him really. Its like a spell he put on the younger generation.

Answer #6

um, heellllllllo. Beyonce’?

Answer #7

yea :) but she isnt 18-25 though huh

Answer #8

Tyra Banks?

Answer #9

kelly rowland

Answer #10

Rihanna!! Nicki Minaj, Noemie Lenoir, Tyra Banks, Garcelle Beauvais, Naomi Campbell, Brandy Norwood.

Answer #11

Zoe Saldana

Answer #12


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