Best pet for a dorm room?

So this coming semester, I will be dorming for the first time, and I was wondering what would be a good pet to have in a dorm room?

Answer #1

snakes are quiet, absolutley NO smell I swear, gentle and they are very sweet… usually. or a cat. lol

Answer #2

Like editor said, most dorms have a policy on pets. You cant keep a dog or cat (and why would you want to do that to a dog anyways, dorm rooms are tiny!)

Answer #3

I have two rats and they’re sooo intelligent, and they don’t smell if you wash their cages properly and you can teach them to do tricks like fetching. Plus you can give them all your table left overs!

Answer #4

First…you better get there and see what your new roomate might say about small furries and pets with scales…


Answer #5

LIZARDS- small green anoles are almost indestructible, with the right set up of course. they don’t bark, they only need water- a heat source, and some meal worms. if you get a male and a female they can be fun pets to own.

Answer #6

Hamster. Yet make sure you are prepared to keep it’s living quarters clean. Hamsters make the best pets for smaller living quarters. Just make sure your room mate isn’t allergic.

Answer #7

I would say concentrate on your studies first. Especially if this is your first year out… worry about yourself first a animal is one more worry

Answer #8

A turtle

Answer #9

Most dorms don’t let you have anything unless it lives in water.

Meaning fish or turtles.

Answer #10

you should have a little dog that doesnt bark that much

Answer #11

um…something small and quiet like a fish, maybe a hamster, or even a bird if your lucky ( :

Answer #12

my freshman year I had a pair of ducklings. they would swim in the bathtub and I had a ramp so they could go and swim when they wanted. they were so cute and I had so much fun with them, right up until I was kicked out of the dorm for having them.

really, just go to classes, meet new people, get into college life, enjoy yourself. wait until you are out on your own (apartment or house) before getting a pet.

Answer #13

TickleMe Plant is by far the best pet for a dorm. Everyone smiles when I tickle my plant and the leaves fold and the branches droop. Want to grow one?

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