Acne! Is it a huge turn off 4 guys!!!

K so… I have soma acne on my forehead and cheeks but its not too severe… Im gettin treated for it and the woman who is treating me says it will clear in 3 months.

Anyways wit make up I can hide it so it looks like I only have a couple small piples.

Is this a big turn off 4 guys. Guys seem to b interested in me so I guessit isnt that bad but I still want to know!!! Btw im 13

Answer #1

a little makeup to hide it in the day, and a couple tiny pimples here and there is something anyone can get, so nah, not like that

as a guy though, when you’re looking at a bloodied battlefield on someone’s face where its obvious both sides are bleeding and dying in their own trenches among the craters pock-marking your forehead… its not much incentive to be near you

Answer #2

haha I agree!!!

thx for the advice

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