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What should I get my boyfriend for our one-year anniversary?
I want ideas for 1 year anniversary for my boyfriend.
Look for some sort of men’s jewelry. My boyfriend gave me Bella and Edward’s engagement ring from Twilight because I love Twilight so I gave him a braclet with our names engraved in it.
you could give him cards that are good for sexual favors my b/f Loved that idea
I say something to show that you know him and care about him… get him something u know he’ll like, ex. if he likes hockey get him a signed hockey stick or something. Just think…..
Well…I made a dvd of photos of us takin during our first year set to music…the photos faded in and out or page flipped. There are many easy programs you can buy which can be used over and over. Good luck!
you can take him out to a basketball game if he loves basketball or a baseball game.also u can surpise him and give him tickets to a concert of both of ya favorite band u knoe..
my boyfriend and I had our first date at a local resterant and for our one year aniversary I got a menu from that place and made a collage of pictures of he and I on one side and decorated it and on the other side I wrote him a love letter telling him how great he was and how much he meant to and brought back some past memories we shared together. I took him to eat that night and got the waitress to setmy menu out for him and he opened it up and was speechless he loved it and still goes back and reads it today. we are about to celebrate our 3 year anniversary now. well good luck to you all! hope my idea helps!
I took my BF out for a picnic that I made myself. I took him to the place we shared our first kiss. While we were eating, a cd I made of our songs was playing. I also gave him a picture of us in a frame I made. It was so fun, he loved it, and it was inexpensive.
I am having the same problem for his birthday I got him a braclet and he loves it he never takes it off unless he is showering or swimming , and for christmas I got him a jumper , he got me a really nice necklace and I dont take it off unless im showering or swimming or something like that, im finding it hard thinking of what to get him, I’m thinking of getting a picture of us printed off the first ever picture we had taken together and put it in a frame but thats not really wnough what else ??? x
for my first anivesery we had our first sexual intercourse.we meet at a dance so I set our living room into a dance area and I played our song.then he got me a juicey couture jacket and necklace and a braclet plus the earrings.
ours is today! I haven’t been to bed yet..so when I wake up..and wait a bit..I get to see him..all I know is he’s cooking me some special dinner(dunno what yet..), and even though he cooks all the time for me lie once or twice a week that doesn’t make this time any less special cus I know since its for such a big day he’ll put all his heart and all his efforts into it. so even doing something you always do it can still be special ;)
anyways I got him tickets to his fav comedian bill bailey(who only plays once a yr over here) in the front row cus hes actually playing tonight and I thought it would be a cool idea(all he knows is I have a fun surprise planned)
I also got this funny t-shirt made thats got to do with how we first met..I know he’ll get a big laugh outa it
and I framed his fav pic of us cus he said he wanted a copy a while back..
oh and a cheesy card with all the reasons I love him..
anyone looking for advice really try to think of something that will have lots of meaning something they would really appreciate like something they once mentioned and you remember it shows you listen and care
for me & muh boyfriends anniversary I bouqht hym a baseball capp & on the back of the hatt I qotd the dayy we met stitched on the back ! 10.30.08 im qonna write hym a lonqq letter also..I hopee that helpps
I would make him a calendar or something like that because you can take the pictures and put them into ech onth like you would like. WalMart can put it together for you and they arent cheaply made. they are hard paper won’t leak if something were to be spilled on it, and wired together not stapled. Its only sixteen ninety nine and its worth it cause as they say “Pictures speak louder than words…Oh wait thats actions lol.”
I am really not sure because I am having the same problem trying to find out what to get my boyfriend for our 1 year. I already made a reese bra for him for his birthday ( his fav candy.) I really want it to be romantic because im pretty sure he has something very special for me. So please if anyone has advise send it this way as well.
I was thinking I’d write my boyfriend a poem for our one year anniversary then make him a candle-lit dinner of manicotti, garlic bread, a salad, and some wine and play Michael Buble in the background.
What I did was I bought a jar, filled half with home made chocolates and then I bought another jar and painted it red…I wrote love quotes and sayings, and little things I love about him, put a little teddy bear on the top and put a note with it saying it was to remind him how much I love him. I put in 365 notes, to show how special our one year is. It can be anything from poems, to song lyrics. He loved it!
Hey! I hope this helps.. for our one year aniversarry I’m gonna get him a picture of us painted.. and then take him on a walk to the first place we met which was at his school. then because he took me there for our first kiss a while ago, I’m going to put a picture of us kissing and a rose behind a bush and then pull it out and suprize him. I was gonna do something really nice like singing to him- but I cant because he’s deaf. but so sweet :D and I’ve pretty much exhausted everything else. but I hope this helps! and I totally agree with ‘ouknow’… guys just dont have the brain capacity to be romantic lol. :D
For me and my boyfriend’s one yr anniversary, we decided to make eachother presents. I made a scrapbook filled with pictures of us, coupons(for sexual things lol), a mixed cd of our fave songs, a timeline, a exciting story haha and a treasure hunt map. He made me a memory box and a photoframe. Inexpensive and it came from the heart :)
Our actual anniversary was on a schoolday soo the weekend before my boyfriend took me to all the special places we had eg. place we first kissed, 1st dance etc. There was a rose at every stop :) That night he made me dinner and we watched dvds all night.
our one year anniversary is in 14 days and this is what I have come up with… Set up a little table in the bedroom, nice red tablecloth with rose pedals all around it, with a big bowl of strawberries, a bowl of whip cream, a bowl of chocolate. With candles and nice music playing! Where his favourite laundry or buy a new one! And have some romantic time together! So even if he has something else planed you can still do what you planed to!
okay..So I am the kind of girl that likes romantic things but also know that men do like the thought but they just dont have the brain capacity to be romantic lol.
So I’d say a special picture, something that they need or want for example if they play the guitar or something get them some stuff to add to their sound like a totally cool pedal or something, and of course food like bake them something and then something sexy for later.
recap: romantic fun delicious sexy and all that isn’t expensive its for sure under $100 if you want it to be.
I know the one year anniversary tradition is supposed to be paper. so my boyfriends and mine one year is going to be coming up soon and I have been thinking about what to get him. I was thinking like a scrap book with all of our pictures and movie tickets and stuff that we have done together. I think he will really like it. and who knows your boyfriend may like it too. hope that helps :)
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