Why:: do you think I should join my schools wrestling team?

Im currently the head wrestling manager for my schools wrestling team and a lot of the guys say I should wrestle im not so sre bout it because im not very strong I have a dancers build I was thinkin bout joing next year that way I have time to get in shape if I decide to join

Answer #1

I would tell you to join if you want to and this is probably going to sound sexist. My first year on my wrestling team I was paired up to practice with a girl it wasnt akward for me to wrestle her other than her hair got pulled a lot by accident. She had 2 years of wrestling experience while I had none and even from the first day I could beat her even though we were the same weight. I talked with her and she said that boys usually beat her that she joined because she liked the sport and the exericse. Im not saying you cant but I am saying I hurt her even while holding back and catching her before she hit the mat or myself before I landed on her for most takedowns. Good luck if you do join.

Answer #2

If you want to go for it :D realize though it’s A LOT of work and you have to be very commited. I see no reason girls shouldn’t fight with guys thought im a professional fighter and I’ve never had any problems, I usually get underestimated though but that quickly ends haha.

Answer #3

about a year ago, I wanted to go and try wrestling.. but my best friend wouldn’t let me (he’s a wrestler) becuase he said that a lot of guys will be awkward and some won’t even play girls.. but I say that if this is what you want to do, go for it. just be careful (:

Answer #4

I think it’s weird for girls to wrestle with boys all though I know some girls are much stronger then some boys. Go for it if you want to

Answer #5

I say go for it. but be careful. other than that, you should really join if you think you’ll like it.

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