When you smoke weed, does it effect your reproductive system?

I’ve only blazzed once, and I wanna keep doing it but I want to know if I do this now, il be able to have kids in a couple years. Thanks.

Answer #1

I think it does effect it I stopped smokin for two years and started my period but as soon as I started smokin again my periodz stopped and I havent been the same since…bt thatz pretty much my 1st love:) ya feel me??

Answer #2

I don’t know but smokin anything is #1 on my least attractive list. makes you stupid , look stupid , be stupid, act stupid. makes you seem like a follower. and 4 you to even want to to do it already makes you stupid so I don’t know but you should just stop NOW

Answer #3

Totally. Thanks (:

Answer #4

Weed only effects the males reproductive system.. which only reduces sperm count… your good to go smoke one for me =D enjoy!

Answer #5

I don’t live to make people happy

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