When an immigrant had been stop by not having paper?

What are your rights??? If an immigrant had been stop of not having paper, and they check your record and see “child accuse” from years ago, do they have the right to arrest you, does the Bill of Rights “10 amendments “ can help with your right of not arresting you?

Answer #1

If the charge has never been answered and is now a warrent…then the only right anybody has is the right to go to jail…doesn’t matter if you’re an immigrant or a citizen…


Answer #2

If you don’t have your papers, and you are stopped by the police, imho, you should have zero rights.

However, only a lawyer can tell you what the legal rights are in your particular case…as the laws vary by state.

Answer #3

Funny this should come up, I have a friend dealing with some immigration problems as well.

If you don’t have papers, they instantly have the right to arrest you and take you to immigration, even if it turns out you just didn’t have your papers at the time and everything is in order. (In which case you will be released with a warning.) If you have a warrant out for your arrest, obviously they’re going to take you to jail for that. As far as your past record goes? That’s not possible to do from a police vehicle as those are secured records available only after a warrant has been placed or a judge has issued a release of that information. You can’t be tried a second time for a crime you’ve already been punished for not matter what your legal status, not that I have any desire to defend someone who abuses their children.

Reading these notes on the side, I know you’re a founder of this website, “thedude”, and have the power to ban my account and IP address for life, but you incite more hate mongering comments than any other member on your website. If you can’t come at someone with an objective and unbiased point of view, do you really think what you’re saying is helpful? Do you really think you’re setting a prime example of a contributing member by throwing out a “humble” opinion stating ANYBODY has zero rights. In that case, why don’t you get your rifle and go pop them in the head just as they come over the border? I’m sure you think that’s justice.

Answer #4

My wife is a foreigner :) So are all of my in laws, except one. Of my two kids, one was born in a different country, and while I was there, I was an illegal, b/c the company I worked for didn’t get my legal authorization to work done.

However…if you read my comment, I didn’t say anything wrong, nor did I incite “hate” as you suggest. If you’re in the US legally, then you should have been briefed on the legal issues involved in being an immigrant. I’m in a similar situation in the country I live now, eg, legally here because my wife is a citizen.

How about you don’t judge by one answer…instead, feel free to drop me a note or ask me directly for an explanation. I’d be more than happy to give you one :) And, I don’t expect us all to agree, only be civil about our lack of concordance.

Answer #5

well now in Arizona

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