What is the best thing to replace working?

I’m 24, graduated from university…but I find it working is so stressful and I hate working…I don’t understand why older generation can work since they young till now..I feel so lazy and low motivation every morning..it is suppose to be active and happy to go wrk yeah…sigh…what should I do???

Answer #1

What about changing jobs? Maybe the one you’ve got doesn’t stimulate you and motivate you and that is why you are finding it so stressful? Unfortunetly, most poeple have to work in order to survive but you can consider yourself lucky enough to have the possibility of choosing different work if this one doesn’t fit your needs. Sometimes work can be stressful ut your perspective and the steps you take towards reducing stress is really imposrtant.

Answer #2

maybe your diet isn’t up to a working standard..or like zorbat says it could just be the job

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