Should I take out my monroe?

I got it 2 days ago. It feels crooked and the piercer says its due to the stem for swelling. But if it was straight it would just be pushing out from my face. This is hitting the middle of my teeth which I specifically told her I didnt want and I have to wear wax. I dont want to let it heal crooked if it is but I dont want to take it out. What should I do?

Answer #1

if it is crooked then the piercer is very unprofessional and unskilled and has done it wrong. Although taking it out is not recommended, it would be leaving an open wound the prefect place for bacteria to get in to and bread causing an infection. I would say keep it in and see how it goes.

Answer #2

it will straighten out my snakebits did the same thing for the first week and a half

Answer #3

if its crooked then you could wait 3 months so the hole can heal and then take it out to let it close uop or take it out now but risk infection also if one of your teeth sticks out,m the peircing backing will hit it and make it stick ut more also if the bar is too big this will make it stick out more you could always try a smaller bar/labret so it doesnt stick out as much get the opinions of your famuily and friends too if they think its crooked if it is, it would be best to take it out

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