Mucus in breathing at 3 months old!

My baby sounded like he had a plugged nose, we were told not to use suction up the nose anymore that its not safe. It went away but my baby at 3 months old sounds like he has mucus in his throat when sleeping, and sometimes when awake. When he’s laughing and making noise’s I can hear it. He sometimes coughs when breathing because of the mucus, not because his throat is soar. How do I use salin drops? I was told not to use suction for his nose to clear snot (Snot sucker). Does this still apply? Any help?

Answer #1

My youngest is almost 5 and we used the “snot sucker” on her. When you use saline drops make sure you read the directions, hold your baby in your arms and have someone else put the drops in his nose (normally one or two drops). Saline drops will not hurt him but it might feel funny so he could cry.

If he has a fever you should also call his doctor just to get him checked out.

At 3 months his stuffy nose could also be from teething…he’s a little early for that but my oldest was 3 months when he got his first tooth.

Answer #2

No fever or anything and its one or two drops per nostral? Is it the same saline stuff for contact lenses that you can also use to nose piercings?

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