When do you feel the signs of being pregnant?

When do you feel the signs of being pregnant? Like the days. And stuff?? I don’t want your to young and stuff. Or thats all mi and my boyfriend do.. I just asking.

Answer #1

every girl is different so many wont experience symptoms but when I found out I was pregnant I had a headache ..lost of appetite and of course I missed my period..=] you should go and take a pregnancy test .

Answer #2

Tired,sick,headaches,and missed periods.Youll miss your period the month after you get pregnant.And you can take a test up to four days before your missed period bu tthe results are better the longer you wait.

Answer #3

I always felt what I thought was pms. To be honest it rarely feels any differant. Some people do get some symptoms they have never had before and some do not. Every woman is differant. =o)

Answer #4

every girl is different but usually around a month in to find out if your pregnant take a pregnancy test 2-3 weeks after you had sex (any sooner and the results won’t be accurate) in the morning with your first pee is the best time and take it when your period is due alternatively, see a doctor for a blood test this will both let you find out quicker and give you more accurate results

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