Where can I get condoms from

Lol I need help.. Where can I get condoms from with out buying them my self or asking some 1 to get them and without buying them online. Im a girl and I dont want to buy them my setlf lol I want to get some to keep at my house just incase it happens at my house and we dont have any condoms lol What can I do? Bcoz some times me and my boyfriend are realy in tho mood buh the only thing stopping us is no condoms lol and I don’t fancie gettin preg. I am on pill buh still I want to b safe :) because the pill is not 100% affective Please give me some help (:thanx

Answer #1

tell your boyfriend to go buy some. but theres nothing bad about buying them yourself. no ones gonna say anything to you about it. its not that big a deal.

Answer #2

Planned Parethood and local health clinics usually pass them out for free.

Although - there is no shame in buying condoms if you are a girl. I used to buy them all the time.

Answer #3

Free Health Clinics usually have them… but if you don’t want to buy them make your boyfriend.

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