I made my team lose

I was playing a basketball game for the scottish champion title.My coach wanted me to be shooting guard so I was takeing most of the shots and I only got about 30% of my shots in but if I got about 70% of my shots in we would of won the game but I didn’t and now im hateing my self right now because I made us lose.I cant get it of my shoulders and now I cant play at my best because of that so what should I do.please help.

Answer #1

You didn’t ‘make’ your team lose - they simply lost - if you want to play ‘what if’ - what if the others had shot 90% and 100% from the free-throw line ? - see, wasn’t only you.

Answer #2

think of england and david beckham , then rest your worrys

Answer #3

even michal jordon let his team down,

Answer #4

im a soccer player and been in a lot of mistakes which led to the lost of my team.. dont blame yourself,nobody is perfect.. and I used that experience to be play greater and do better and now I’ve been playing in a lot of regional team even in our previous college team ..so cheer up.;)

Answer #5

just get over it , every body do mistakes your not the only person on the world who made their team lose ,,

Answer #6

Hey, if your coach told you to shoot the ball, than that’s not your fault. He should’ve seen that your shot was off. It’s not entirely your fault.

Answer #7

Welcome to Fun Advice!

  You weren’t the only player on the team so the other players are partially responsible for the loss.

The only thing you concern yourself with is practice, practice, practice, to try to improve your percentage.

All the players are responsible for losses just as all the players are responsible for wins.

As they say, don’t cry over spilt milk! What’s done is done and can’t be changed. But everyone can work toward improving for next time.

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