Why do I keep feeling like I need to puke?

I had sex like 3 weeks ago near the time of my period and I got it on time…it didnt last as long as usual tho. I have been getting weird feelings in my stomach and pains and weird sharp pains in the sides of my stomach and I do wake up early in the morning usually around 4 and I cant sleep because I always feel the need that im going to puke but never do…or and as well during the day I just burp and I can taste vomit in it. disgusting I know…whats the cause of this because its buging me espically the waking up at night part

Answer #1

Have you had sex and are you old enough and are you aluod. Because if you asrent old enough then you can be cared thart someone might find out..Same aplies with age. also if you havent had sex before then you might be nervous of what might happen in the future. HOPE THIS HELPS.

Answer #2

you should take a hpt

Answer #3

thats the same thing im going through right now! so I nknow how you feel! :(

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