What color will bring out dark blue eyes?

what color would bring out my darker blue eyes if I have red hair and a lighter skin tone? any ideas to make the color lighter?

Answer #1

I have dark blue eyes and I dont wear eyeshadow .. try either a dark black eyeliner or a greeny blue eyeliner… im always getting told that my eyes look really blue = ]

I also went from really blonde tp really dark and usually if you have blue eyes you usually have fair skin so when I went to a dark hair colour I looked really pale so sont go there

hope this helped xx

Answer #2

im a red head and as white as snow and greens for clothing work great for me. but for eye shadow use browns, for mascara use a brown(redheads end up looking like hookers with black mascara)and use a nice eye liner. Browns, Greens, and , Oranges are great.

Answer #3

I say keep everything the way it is! Great color combo. Perhaps wear a blue top? I think a solid colored shirt can definitely compliment an individual’s eyes.

Answer #4

A gold colored eyeshadow will definately bring out dark blue eyes! That’s the color I use the most just for that pupose! You could also try dark browns and silvers!

Answer #5

if you dye your hair darkk it will bring out your eyes most likely , and it would look good if you wore a green or a purple eye shadow

Answer #6

Well, you couldn’t make your eyes lighter. But you could wear purple or gray eyeshadow. That will bring out your I’s color.

Answer #7

If you die your hair blond your eyes will show much better and you will really look good

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