What should I do if my sister gets raped again?

Ok so it’s been about 2 months now and my little sister who’s just turned 16 like seriously yesterday had been raped by her (male) best friend. I didn’t know what to do at the time. All my best friends were speechless. My sister was depressed for 2 weeks and she believed that she’d lost all her friends because of it. I was just starting to like the guy too. The little piece of sht had gotten away with it too! All he did was cry and apologize to my parents. And my mom was furious. When it happened it was all at a small party so there was alcohol involved but I know he wasn’t drunk enough to pull that BS! He did it and enjoyed it! But now whenever I see him I just wanna seriously beat the very life outta him and rip out his throat with my bare hands! And to make matters worst for my sister, she was getting nasty looks from the guy’s sister and her popular friends!!! Like seriously?! They are giving her a hard time because she was raped?! I nearly freaked out on his sister and almost punched her, but stopped because I knew that would make matters worst for Hunter (my sister). But anyways, I know that the whole ordeal made me look weak in the rapist’s eyes because I never came after him so now I don’t know what I should do. And I need to know what to do if it happens to my sister again because I know some other ahole is gonna try it since she’s very pretty and she enjoys partying still. Unbelievable I know. And one of my best friends still hangs out with the jacka!!! I don’t know if I should even affiliate with him even though he’s my best friend. The other day he was with him and they got pulled over and almost went to jail. Austin (my friend) was pssed because the sht head said he had his licence but didn’t and Austin does have a licence so he got into trouble. But I know Austin and he will keep hanging out with the fcktard. So yeah I need some help/advice.

Answer #1

damn…You need to bring Uncle Earl, Granmpa Jebidiah, and BROTHER RAY and beat the holy high hell outta that guy!

Answer #2

ok well I was raped with I turned 14. tahts 2 years ago. my older brother went after the guy and beat the livin sht out of him. but the dude had friends and his friends went after my bro and he had to go t to the hospital. If was I was you id want to destroy him also but ( I no your not goingto like this first answer) forgive him maybe he does feel bad about it!! Or go to him and talk to him tell him to keep his hands off and if he comes within 1/4 of a mile from her you’ll kick his as!!! or go ahead and beat him up hopefully he doesnt have friends that will come for you.. I am really sry about your sister! I know how she feels!! I felt so dirty, and unwanted!!! I had thoughts of killing myself!!! Just show her how much you love her and stay close! because with out big brother loveshe might become depressed again.

Answer #3

if I where you I whould go beat the hell out of the kid

like I did to my because for rapeing my friend I toke him in to the woods and kicked him in the gut and broke a 2X4 over his back

but be carefull some times beating the shit out of them dose not hellp because after they whant revenge and will try to rape your sis agin

Answer #4

why don’t you let the police handle it. If he ends up convicted as a rapist it’ll quite rightly ruin his life; his career prospects, his relationships with family and friends, not to mention the psychological trauma from prison. Much tougher and long lasting to handle than a beating. That would be true justice. Not to mention that if he’s capable of doing it to your sister he’s capable of doing it to other women. He should be behind bars, quite obviously, if he has raped a person.

Answer #5

I really dont think its not enough that they only got beaten up (and they have no right to retaliate, they raped someone!). They should be locked in jail.

Answer #6

report it to the police people! rapists should be in jail, no matter how young they are. the raped girl is the victim here, why are there people siding with the rapist? I cant believe this.

Answer #7

Beat his azz

Answer #8

I hope I helped some… id say violence is never the answer but I dont like to lie!!! LoL!! ;)

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