What business do you think haiti needs?

What business do you think haiti needs for an overall profit/job increase?

As a business entrepreneur determine the name you would give it, type of business, and what steps you would take to start this business? Why do you think this type of business would be needed? How would haiti benefit from the type of business you choose?

Answer #1

Is this a school project assignment? ;)

Business Name: — Could go with the company I work for, Downer EDI but I’m pretty sure I’ll get in trouble for promoting them without permission from my managers.

— The business name would be, Good Sammie Constructions.

Type of Business: – Constructing and building new infrastructures eg: houses, roads.

Step to start this business:

  • Do some marketing research eg: find out the location, whether my business will be located in an industrial or commercial area.

  • Do some serious head hunting for qualified professionals who can work for my business and carry out my work if I’m away from my company.

  • Decide if my business will provide service or product. I’m leaning towards construction so will be providing all building materials and contract labours or skilled workers.

  • Have a serious chat with some heavy financial players (banks).

  • Contact the Haiti government officials and see what regulations and business requirements are in order for my business to be given the seal of approval to set up my firm.

The reason this business is needed:

  • To build and repair building infrastructural damages in Haiti

The benefits:

  • New and more secure building infrastructures in the future so these can withstand floodings and earthquakes.

P.S. if you get an A+ for this project, I want all the credit please hehehe, only joking :)

Answer #2

An urban planner is what they need to replan the structure of their community

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