Tell me how please

Pleace tell me how to get pregnant I mean I know how I have been trying but I havent got pregnant I been trying for more than a year and nothing has happened tell me what can I take or do so I would get pregnant.

Answer #1

Even if he was 21-22 years old, whats wrong about that? If you knew the age gap between me and my fiancee you would have a shock judging by your take on that.

Answer #2

She’s only 16 though!

If she has a boyfriend who has a well-paying job that would mean he has finished college, which would make him 21-22 years old. That’s a whole ‘nother story there. They shouldn’t even be together if that’s the case.

Also she never said that her boyfriend was that old, and I doubt that he is. An older man would not be trying to have babies with a child.

Answer #3

Okay I agree with you on the Depo shot part, and her family raising her child, I wouldnt dream of fully relying on my parents if I have children. Her boyfriend might have a job, have a house, be financially stable, etc, but until we get a reply from her on this post, we wont know any of that for certain.

Answer #4

I been with my boyfriend for a year and 6 month and we really want a baby. my aunt had a baby this past week and I saw him and I really want a baby.

Answer #5

Read what I’m saying and what I have said.

I am not calling people who become pregnant and decided to keep the child selfish at all. I never would say such a thing. I’m saying at 16 years old to TRY and have a child, is selfish and immature. Accidents happen, all you can do it make the best of the situation and love your child. You shouldn’t be trying to have one though, that is immature.

Most young girls who are trying to have a baby are doing it for selfish reasons - their friends have one, they just simply want one, they think they are cute, they want one to keep their boyfriends, etc. Those reason’s are selfish.

Answer #6

Dont be so harsh, Mandyloo, how do you know that Lover15 isnt able to take care of her baby Financially and emotionally? Her Boyfriend could very well have a good job, and her family may be willing to provide emotional support through her pregnancy and after birth.

Lover15, You do need to think about a lot of things before getting pregnant, Have you got a home for the baby, enough money, time, etc. Are you willing to sacrifice the next 16 years to raise a child and be a good parent? Yes 16 is a young age to have a child, but some people of that age could be as great as an adult 10 years older than that.

Also, checking back on a recent question which you asked 26 days ago, you wanted the dep shot to prevent pregnancy, so I hope in those 26 days you have thought a lot of things through…

Answer #7


Don’t turn this around on my doll, I’m not a 16 year old girl, I’m 23 years old. Yes, I am a stay at home mom, I had a fulltime job while pregnant though. Do NOT compare me to a 16 year old. I’ve been to college, I have degrees, I could work if I needed too. There are plenty of other stay at home mom’s on this site, are you insulting all of them? MY situation and her’s are completely different.

Wanting a child at 16 years old and trying to get pregnant - IS IMMATURE. There’s no way around that - it is.

Answer #8

Your kidding me right, she’s only 16 years old. Did you read any of what I posted.

The first year a baby cost you 10,000 dollars. There ARE NO minimum wage jobs that pay you that much money, I don’t care what you say.

That’s not including the medical bills that you have to pay for seeing an obgyn every month, the hospital bills when you deliever, and the child’s medical bills. Her family should not be the people taking care of her baby or paying for her baby. That’s ridiculous. They have raised their child - they shouldn’t have to raise hers. Period.

Also, a 16 year old is not emotionally ready to have a child.

I’m trying to help her realize how selfish she is being. It also doesn’t make sense that 26 days ago she was wanting to get the depo shot to prevent a pregnancy, yet now she says she’s been trying for a year.

Sounds to immature to have a child too me.

Answer #9

Stop being selfish. Pregnancy and having a child is something that is very beautiful and your turning it into a joke. I dont care how long you have been with yoru boyfriend - you are too young and too immature to be having a child.

Having a child means that the baby comes first - you are already putting yourself first by trying to bring a child into the world when you can NOT take care of it financially and emotionally. Do you know how much the average it is to raise a baby the first year -10,000 dollars. There is no way you can make that much even with a minimum wage job (cause that’s all your going to get at this age and with so little education)

Answer #10

Your Far too young to be wanting to get pregnant..

why would you want to do something so stupid at your ages??

tell me

Answer #11

My mum got pregnant when she was 16 although this was unintentional- she kept the baby and doesnt regret it as she has a child (my brother) and he makes her so proud. Although I do agree 16 is too young, financially properly, mentally proberly pretty much everything shes too young to look after the child. Shes not being selfish I think shes just being naive and doesnt realise what it actually takes to look after a baby.

Answer #12

Mandyloo how do you pay for your child, I don’t think you work based on some of your last post. No trying to pick a fight, just pointing out that you are doing it so don’t be quick to judge. I do agree with her age and would also tell her she is way to young and point out all the tough things, However you calling her immature when you don’t even know her is way out of line.

I know a FEW people who had a child at this age who are still together and going strong, But I don’t recommend having a baby at this age, There is no need to rush, if you and your boyfriend love each other then do it right. Wait till you are done with school and get good jobs, house, cars, money, insurance. I have wanted a child since my first marriage and I am now 33 and now trying to have a baby. If you really have been trying and you want help. I suggest going to your genyo doctor, I saw mine a couple of weeks ago and asked a bunch of questions. Besides if you are trying to have a baby you should have a doctor already lined up and that has seen you. Please wait.

Answer #13

Who would take care of your baby? Who would pay for everything for your baby? Who would watch your baby while you’re in school? Do you have any idea how much babies cost? Do you have any idea how much sleep you’ll lose? Do you have any idea what will happen to your social life?

Yeah babies are cute and cuddly but if you can’t provide for one now…without help from your parents or your boyfriends parents…then you shouldn’t have one. If you can’t give your baby a place to live…not at your parent’s house or boyfriends parent’s house…then you shouldn’t have one now.

You need to think responsibly…wait until you are financially secure to have a baby. If you’re planning on using your parents money or house then you should ask them, otherwise you are just being selfish. If they are going to have to help you then they should have some say in whether or not they want to…they should also be able to say if they think you should have a baby…afterall their lives will be affected just as much as yours.

As for being told how to have one…do you really think that we can tell you that? If you’ve been trying for a year than maybe there’s a reason you’re not getting pregnant. Maybe your body just isn’t ready.

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