Should students get paid for good grades?

Do you think that students should get paid for receiving good grades? this isnt for a homework assignment or anything. I just want to know what people think. I think we should!

Answer #1

I think we should. but just like how they do at college. if you do good ,lkeep in on time,do your work and all that then get paid… something like 50 - 100 quid but like in vouchers and that

Answer #2

LOL that made my day no you shouldn’t get paid because it’s something you should learn and half too

Answer #3

The whole concept of kids being paid for good grades was foreign to me. When I was a lad I was expected to do well in school because I wanted to learn and succeed in life.

I worked in bike shops in the 80’s and I noticed that every few months kids came in with quite a bit of money. Then someone mentioned that they received $20 for every ‘A’ on their report card.

I’m not really sure what values this is intended to teach.

Answer #4

Nope, the student already benefits enough when they get good grades, even though it doesn’t always seem that way, it will eventually when you have a good paying career due to getting those grades.

Answer #5

In college you do get paid through good grades by scholarships.

Answer #6

yea that would probaly help get kids to bring their grades up and do harder in school

Answer #7

You do. Its called “Keys” money. You usually dont know about it until your in college.

Answer #8

I think that its okay for a child to make a deal with their parents that if they get high grades the parent should pay them. it satisfies both parties. but then again this is kindof a mind of a teeenager. I’m being a lot more realistic though. :p

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