how obama is going to tackle the economic crisis?

Does anyone have any idea how obama is going to tackle the economic crisis…

Answer #1

We’ll have to wait and see - if it doesn’t work I sure hope a Plan B exists, along with a bailout exit strategy.

Answer #2

I think he is going to have a hell of a lot more oversight and accountability in the way this money is distributed. Much more than Bush had when he distributed the first half of the money, where none of got to the sectors who really needed it. He has said he is going to try ang get more money into the smaller community banks and small businesses. They are the ones hurting the most.

Answer #3

he will try his best to begin the process im sure but he cant do it in 4 or even 8 years from what I’ve seen he is going to be for the ‘common man’, small business, etc.

Answer #4

He already got the green light to release the second half of the 700 billion bail out…so, he’s basically doing the same thing as Bush, so far: rob the poor & middle class and give hand outs to the wealthy.

Answer #5

I hope the ones with the big bucks can win us over during the super bowl they better try hard I hope obama can hype up the super bowl lol

Answer #6


He is not. He is doing the opposite, It is “robbing” the ritch and helping the poor and middle class.

He is doing like a 750 billion dollar bail out to jump start the economy.

Answer #7

Bailout won’t do any good, We are going to go through a crash, maybe not for another year or so, but it is coming and I believe that no matter who the President is it’s going to happen. All that will happen with the Bailout, it will go up and everything will look dandy until it starts to go back down…that is all I’ll say just saying what I think is going to happen.

Thank you God bless.

Answer #8

You, nor does anyone KNOW what the bailout will do. But not doing anything will surely bring about disaster. I don’t see a down side to investing in jobs that will help restore our infrastructure, building new green technologies and industries, and reducing out of control medical expenses. It is much better use of tax payers money than throwing it away in a war that was not required, or giving into the interests of multi-national corporation, whose interests are the opposite of the American peoples.

Answer #9

We are going to go through a crash

Fact: the “crash” already happened on Bush’s watch, every Economic genius out there says the recession started a year ago…so, not Obama’s deal, but something he inherited.

Investing in jobs is always a good idea :) I just hope the rest of the plan does something b/c the first half of the money that was released, as jimahl mentioned, we have no idea where it went or what it bought the American people.

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