Midnite snacks?

What do you like to eat for a midnite snack?

Answer #1

you all are making me hungry!!!

Answer #2

white choco cocoa to drink and coffee cake. Sometimes I’ll have tea too.And I ALWAYS have coffee cake.

Answer #3

I dont have midnight snacks. I am usually died asleep and woke wake up for anything unless there is a fire in the house

Answer #4

peanut butter and choclate chunck chips ahoy cookies with milk cant go wrong there! ! ! ! !

Answer #5

well, my man always gets up in the night and eats a spoonful of peanutbutter and take a swig from the milk carton..yes it drives me crazy that he drinks from the carton because he always leaves a freakin peanut butter rim around the opening of the milk jug!!! sick! it grosses me out!!! anyway, a good snack is leftovers especialy refried beans or mashed potatoes in gravy! yum!! but thats just me though:)

Answer #6

I had a yogurt last night.

Answer #7

this is easy…moon pie - the banana kind

Answer #8

chocolate :)

Answer #9

lol. I usually make toast and have an apple. or pizza. :)

Answer #10

pizza and hot chocolate.. :)

Answer #11

Black Forest Cake and Ice-cream :)

Answer #12


Answer #13

toast with butter =]

Answer #14

Burger King.

Ooooh yeah.

Answer #15

poop…ha ha ha

Answer #16

Ice Cream

Answer #17


Answer #18

warm cookies with milk

Answer #19

Poptarts. lol

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